Does anyone have a wire harness for sale?

Posted by: tim_goggin

Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 22/05/2002 14:46


I purchased a Rio Car 10 GB model, but the wire harness appears to be missing. The installer I took it to have installed at needs this to install it.

Does anyone have an extra wire harness for sale? I'm pretty desperate.

Thanks in advance,

Tim Goggin
[email protected]
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 22/05/2002 14:56

Those are rather rare, somewhat expensive, and difficult to replace. The docking connector and wiring harness assembly is not an off-the-shelf part. It is custom made.

You will need to contact support to replace the part. I assume that it's not just the wiring harness that's missing, it's the entire docking sled? Expect to pay a pretty penny for it.

I suggest you talk to the seller and demand that the docking sled with an intact wiring harness be supplied. If he is unable to do so, I would consider that as fraud and misrepresentation and therefore grounds for action. Since the original unit came with the sled, and it is a critical component for the operation of the player and cannot be considered optional in any way.

I would also suggest that you contact support and ask them if the player's serial number (found on the ABOUT menu in the player software) is a reported-stolen number.

Also, could you please tell us the seller's name so that we may avoid doing business with him in the future?
Posted by: tim_goggin

Re: Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 22/05/2002 14:58

I have the sleeve, but the actual wire harness I don't have. Before I report the seller's name, let me see what I can work out with the seller himself. Any suggestion on where I can buy the wire harness itself?

Tim Goggin
[email protected]
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 22/05/2002 15:02

Any suggestion on where I can buy the wire harness itself?

As I already stated, there is only one place to get it, and that's from the support team in Cambridge. They are the only people able to sell you the part, since it is custom and not off-the-shelf.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 22/05/2002 15:06

What I don't understand is how you have the sleeve but not the wire harness.

I wonder if it is a stolen player where the wire harness was damaged by ripping it from the dash? So they just unscrewed it so you wouldn't see the damage and see that it was a stolen player.

I now even more strongly suggest that your first communication be to the support team to check if it's a stolen player.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 23/05/2002 10:42


Unless your seller is from a small town with a population of 6, you will violate no confidence by telling us what city your seller is located in. Can you please inform us?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Does anyone have a wire harness for sale? - 23/05/2002 12:15

In a population of 6 it'd still just be a guess.