FS: 18GB Mk2 with Tuner

Posted by: doug316

FS: 18GB Mk2 with Tuner - 23/05/2002 13:40


Set reasonable reserve considering what a player and a tuner go for separately.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: FS: 18GB Mk2 with Tuner - 23/05/2002 13:59

I can vouch for Doug, he sold me my first Mk1, which I still have.

How come you're getting rid of it, Doug?
Posted by: doug316

Re: FS: 18GB Mk2 with Tuner - 23/05/2002 16:25

Thanks Tony, that's very nice of you.

I am moving out of the country and the car is being sold...I will probably be holding out for a 30GB portable MP3 player, hopefully something nice will be out by the end of the year.
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: FS: 18GB Mk2 with Tuner - 23/05/2002 16:54

Well the iPod is going to be limited to 10gig for another while IMO.
The Nomad Jukebox 3 is available off the shelf with 20 gigs but is readily upgradable to 40gigs here.
After that there is the Archos offering and I think that is it.

Good luck with the move, I personally went throught the same thing 2 years ago moving from Ireland to the US - BIG change.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: FS: 18GB Mk2 with Tuner - 24/05/2002 14:36

i hope the new nomad is WAY better than the last, that thing sucked