Would Anyone Buy?

Posted by: justinlarsen

Would Anyone Buy? - 24/05/2002 14:35

Im looking into selling plug and play harddrive kits for the empeg, no loading of software ect. just plug it into the ide and your set to go, would anyone be interested, prices woudl be as follows.

All Drives Will Be IBM (Only The Best)

Single Drive.
60gig Upgrade = $500
48gig Upgrade = $275
40gig Upgrade = $210
30gig Upgrade = $175
20gig Upgrade = $150
12gig Upgrade = $100

I Could also do double drive upgrades, for a bit of a discount on buying 2 at once, there would probably be a few days delay before shipment, becuase i would have to contact u about software versions you are running and customize it to that, i would assume most are running beta11 or 1.03. let me know if anyone would accully buy these and i could make it happen. the prices above also include shipping.
Posted by: accept

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 25/05/2002 07:27

Sounds good justin !
Got 10gig and not much room left already.
Plug and Play, wot, just open it up, connect cable and turn on and i'm up and runnin ?? - Yeah
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 25/05/2002 11:35

yup exactly plug and play
Posted by: andy

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 25/05/2002 17:41

Would that involve sending out a harddisk with the player software installed on it ? If so you will probably technically fall foul of the software licence, you are almost certainly not allowed to distribute the player software.

We ran into this problem with the Rio Receiver, Rob made it clear that SB did not want people distributing copies of the player software for the Receiver.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 25/05/2002 22:39

oh well if thats the case i dont want any trouble ill wait for rob to respond to that
Posted by: rob

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 26/05/2002 09:07

Erk, I don't know.. Email David and we'll have a conversation about it at work.

Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 26/05/2002 09:29

Wouldn't it be the same as if I sold a spare HDD to a friend after I had already loaded the software on it? Or if I was technically inept and had a friend load the new software on the disk on my behalf? And that friend lived far enough away that the disk had to be shipped back and forth? If the software is available for me to download and install, would it make a difference if someone else does it for me? He/she would not be selling copies of the software for profit, they would be just providing a service...

I think it needs investigating because I would like one of these drives myself in the future...
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 27/05/2002 03:35

ya there minimal profit in the drives, like $5 or $10 its just to basically cover shipping, i dont wannat cuase troulbe from the team thou, ill email david in the morning. thanks
Posted by: Evan

Re: Would Anyone Buy? - 31/05/2002 14:47

Sounds decent to me. These would be preformatted drives then (hence the "plug in and away you go" part)?

If so, awfully convenient.