as if corporations didn't have enough power

Posted by: butter

as if corporations didn't have enough power - 25/07/2002 14:24

an intresting article can be found here

"Media companies would be allowed to sabotage Napster style networks to prevent songs, movies and other copyrighted materials from being swapped over the Internet under a bill introduced in Congress on Thursday."
Posted by: davec

Re: as if corporations didn't have enough power - 25/07/2002 17:09

I can see it now. Summer Intern Joe Hacker gets a job at Sony and is assigned to the "Hacking Division" and in his late night hours of work, legally hacks into the White House server under protection of this law and the government can't do a damn thing about it because they gave them the power to hack legally and in a rush to pass the legislation left major loopholes. Sometimes I wonder if Traficant is the only sane guy that was in Congress...