120GB WD Non-SE - $30 after MIR

Posted by: matthew_k

120GB WD Non-SE - $30 after MIR - 15/09/2002 23:03

Just ran accross this on the anandtech forums, so I know where I'm going tommorrow. You've got to have a best buy and a microcenter within reasonable distance to price match. My MP3's and videos don't need the 8MB cache... YMMV.

Anandtech Forum Thread

Posted by: robricc

Re: 120GB WD Non-SE - $30 after MIR - 15/09/2002 23:19

Saw it on Fatwallet earlier. They seem to think the deal is dead over there. I would tend to agree. You may have a better chance of getting this deal.

I wish you and anyone else attempting luck. It would be killer.

EDIT: The Fatwallet deal seems to be a bit different after closer inspection. Still, I wish you good luck, but I will pass.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: 120GB WD Non-SE - $30 after MIR - 16/09/2002 05:32

That's okay, I'll pass as well. It seems to be a pretty difficult deal to obtain. They're saying things like "if you find a gracious Best Buy manager." Ha! Good luck on that in my area. There's no such thing as a helpful staff person at most stores around here.

I don't have a local Microcenter anyway. Unless 2.5 hours is reasonable driving distance...

And that Felicity deal is bizarre. I wish I knew someone named Felicity who was going to school I know someone who looks like the character, though
Posted by: msaeger

Re: 120GB WD Non-SE - $30 after MIR - 16/09/2002 05:54

isn't the best buy part just so you can get a 20 dollar rebate the 100 dollar one is from WD