Joe Strummer

Posted by: jimhogan

Joe Strummer - 23/12/2002 19:24

Well, if you watch CNN International, obsessed with Desert Storm II -- The Son's Revenge, you'd think Joe Strummer was alive, but Star/Sky News suggests otherwise. Another relatively young and interesting gent....
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Joe Strummer - 23/12/2002 19:56

Posted by: schofiel

Re: Joe Strummer - 24/12/2002 10:50

Rest easy, Joe. Sorry about the beer can, I was a bit pissed.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Joe Strummer - 24/12/2002 11:09

I too am shocked this hasn't gotten more coverage. I heard about it on AM radio of all places. I'm guessing that all the news people are on holiday leave and already had their infotainment planned for the week. VH1 gave a news ticker crawl at the bottom of their screen and showed a 2hour run of the history of Punk.. that's it. I guess the advertising space was already sold and they'd hate to switch programming on them and have to pay some money back. Sick. Everyone I called with the news, even a day later, had not heard of it...

I visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame a month or so back and was pleasantly surprised to see the Clash well represented and listed as an influence for many popular bands...

Anyone else visit a record store lately and leave disappointed that they weren't playing more of the Clash?
Posted by: njdboy

Re: Joe Strummer - 24/12/2002 12:53

a sad day indeed....he was a legend in the punk scene and paved the way for many bands after the Clash. RIP Joe.
Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Joe Strummer - 24/12/2002 15:32

CTV news here in Canada gave national coverage to Joe's passing last night on the 11:00 pm newscast, which I thought was decent of them. I first read about his death earlier in the day on MSN.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Joe Strummer - 24/12/2002 16:53

You've been to a record store that's playing anything at all by the Clash? I'd be suprised. I also hate this when media doesn't give a damn about anyone who isn't doing something in the current month. When Layne Staley died, I think there was an equal amount of press on it, and he was even more recent. But if you're Lisa Lopes (no offense to her), you get a week of programming on VH1 dedicated to you. I think they played TLC's BTM non-stop for a whole day.
