Problems with my ReplayTV rebates...

Posted by: Banacek

Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 13:50

Ok, so I sent my two ReplayTV rebates in together in the same envelope. When I only recieved one rebate check back I called them and talked to them. They told me that they had to go into the records and for me to call back in 10 days. So I called back today and they told me that they can't honor it because it wasn't sent in seperately. Is there anything I can do about this? This seems a little shady to me...
Posted by: robricc

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 13:57

Is there anything I can do about this?
BOGU (Bend Over, Grease-Up)

Rebates are always shady. Although I always follow directions exactly, I only see money for about 75% of the rebates I send out. I recently became aware that in Connecticut, it is illegal to advertise a product with a mail-in rebate. This is probably a step in the right direction. However, it probably annoys Connecticut people.

I would be incredibly surprised if you are able to get your rebate check.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 14:00

Not that it will get you your money, but make sure to contact the Better Business Bureau. They'll record your complaint for posterity.

Also, did you have to send in some piece of original material? If not, try sending it in again.
Posted by: Banacek

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 14:27

Well, they have everything, the only thing I don't have is a copy of the upc, which sucks (Although I still have the box). The thing is, BOTH rebates asked for the original UPC, and they never said that you couldn't send them together, so what could you of done? Sending them together was the only way.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 14:29

You bought them at the same time, right? And they wanted both the original receipt and the original UPCs, right? So since you have only one original receipt, there's absolutely nothing else to do besides send them both.

I'd make sure to point this out to the BBB, and I'd call back and yell some more. As much as I hate it, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.
Posted by: Banacek

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 14:40

Nah, I only bought one ReplayTV, but there was two rebate offers at the time, so there was only one UPC, and both rebates wanted it. The funny thing is, they have all my info, they know I bought it and they honored the one rebate, but that's not good enough apparently..
Posted by: revlmwest

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 15:25

Seems to me either they shouldn't have told you to use both when you bought it or they still owe you. However the only way to get a reasonable answer is to call and gripe until you get past the first tier of support.
Posted by: rob

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 17:22

I mailed the guy at the top tier* to check if he thinks this should be happening.


* no, not THAT top tier, I'm not yet on a beer drinking relationship level with the almighty.
Posted by: Banacek

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 05/03/2003 19:49

Cool, thanks alot! Also, thank for telling me about the ReplayTV in the first place. I couldn't watch tv without it now
Posted by: Daria

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 06/03/2003 01:25

Also, thank for telling me about the ReplayTV in the first place. I couldn't watch tv without it now

The tuner in your TV broke?
Posted by: TheRhino

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 06/03/2003 12:54

Yeah, just pray you don't get one of the ReplayTVs with the infinite reboot problem. Mine was fine for about a month, and it started doing this. From reading the AVS forum and planet replay forum, it seems a lot of the newer models, particularly the 5xxx series have this bug. The only way to fix this, other than sending it in and getting another replay tv (that may potentially have the bug as well), is to reimage the hard drive using the replaytv hack. Then, it will be better until it intermittently happens again. Other than that, I can't live without it.
Posted by: DeadFire

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 06/03/2003 16:59

I'm not really sure what you can do about it now... but I noticed that both of the current rebates, when I bought my 5040, wanted the original UPC. Of course there was only one UPC, but then I noticed that the rebates had slightly different mailing addresses. Assuming that nothing is ever easy, I made a copy of the UPC and put it in the second envelope, along with a note referring whoever opened the second envelope to the first envelope, which contained the real UPC. This, apparently, was good enough for them, as my rebate checks (both of them) arrived in the mail today. And in separate envelopes, I might add.
Posted by: eliceo

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 06/03/2003 17:08

I ordered the 5040 too, still waiting for it. I couldnt find anything about adding 2 drives to the 5000 series, is this possible?
Posted by: DeadFire

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 06/03/2003 17:12

From what I've read on the AVS Forum for ReplayTVs, it's not. Not yet, anyway.
Posted by: eliceo

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 10/03/2003 10:55

these bastards added another 50 $ rebate from 3/9 to 3/16 , anyone have experience returning to , I would reallly like to qualify for both rebates.
Posted by: morrisdl

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 11/03/2003 13:26

Sure. Send you ReplayTV back, with a note that you just didnt get it. Otherwise you would realize its worth every penny and probably much more. I wouldnt go back to watching live tv for a week (or even a day) for a $50 rebate. I would probably just stop watching TV first.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Problems with my ReplayTV rebates... - 11/03/2003 14:28

Now that X-Files is over, I could probably quit TV