A graduate with no prospects

Posted by: Dignan

A graduate with no prospects - 07/05/2003 14:11

*edit* just edited the title *edit*

Thanks to you who congratulated me on my graduating. It's a nice feeling, but as you said, it's undercut by the feeling of "what the hell do I do now?"

This morning I took a little under an hour to finish my "final" final exam. It was nice to end on a filler course, which happened to be the introductory CompSci course we have here, where we learn about logic statements and psuedo code and what a register is. It was nice to take an easy exam last.

Like I said, it's nice to think "I have absolutely no responsibilities as of now." Then I think about the fact that I have no clue what I want to do for a living. Hell, I don't even know what field to go into. I majored in music, but there aren't any real attractive options there. My hobby has always been computers, but I've also always been an amatuer at all aspects of it. It would take a lot to get it to any type of professional level.

So, what would you guys do? I know someone posted on this subject a while ago, with equal confusion, but now I think the job market is even worse than it was at that point. My girlfriend's roommate finally got a job yesterday after searching for about 6 months, and she has a business degree. I'll find some crappy job in the area and hang out.

At the moment, though, I'm probably going to work for my father's company for the summer, and come back to this area next year since all my friends are taking 5th year, and my girlfriend is still here.

So for now, I'm enjoying the wonderful freedom of having nothing to do, and simply enjoying the fact that I'm graduating
Posted by: tfabris

Re: A graduate with no prospects - 07/05/2003 14:17

*edit* just edited the title *edit*
Let me guess, you misspelled a word in the title, giving the post just a little too much irony?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: A graduate with no prospects - 07/05/2003 14:18

hehe, nah, just didn't like it
Posted by: JeffS

Re: A graduate with no prospects - 07/05/2003 14:27

You don't want to be a web developer in San Antonio do you? (as I need one right about now)

What type of music major where you? I was a theory/ comp for two years, but got out of the game for programming. I can tell you the skill set is remarkably similar between composing music and writing programs, I've even heard it said that the great composers of the past were just frustrated programmers who didn't have computers yet. Anyway, if you're a performance major you can always teach, but that doesn't make much money. You can always go for a masters and try to teach on the college level.

I'd say stick with computers, though, if you're good with them. The IT industry isn't great right now, but if you start out small you might be able to find something.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: A graduate with no prospects - 07/05/2003 14:47

You could always join the military.
Posted by: Tim

Re: A graduate with no prospects - 07/05/2003 15:01

One of my professors in school majored in music for his undergraduate degree. He then realized he liked physics and went on to get his Master's and PhD in physics. He worked part time in Los Alamos and was on a team that earned at least one (I think it was two) Noble prizes while heading our Pysical Science Department and teaching both Modern Physics (relativity and such) and Astrophysics.

Music sounds like a good start to me