Friday time wasting link

Posted by: Dylan

Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 08:32

I'm stuck on level 7.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 08:34

Nice! Just what I need when I have 30+ source files to check in today
Posted by: cushman

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 08:47

Link to play fullscreen .

Refresh the page to play again.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 08:59

Just what I need when I have 30+ source files to check in today
Or what I need when I have to write a document explaining why perfect randomness tends to "favor" certain values, even after having explained this 100+ times in the last three months. I need every diversion I can get.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 09:23

Or what I need when I have to write a document explaining why perfect randomness tends to "favor" certain values, even after having explained this 100+ times in the last three months.
Can you forward a copy to the Empeg guys? I wanna know why a full-player-shuffle still tends to cluster neighboring FIDs.
Posted by: fusto

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 09:44

Oh man, that game sucks (is very good).
I hate you (appreciate the distraction).
You really shouldnt post stuff like this on a Friday (got anymore?)
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 10:17

Can you forward a copy to the Empeg guys? I wanna know why a full-player-shuffle still tends to cluster neighboring FIDs.
Ha! I'm not statistician, this document is about a very specific program and I doubt it would work to cover anything else. It basically states (in a much longer format) that given a small number of tests pure randomness will tend to favor certain values and yield a bell curve, but over a larger number of tests this curve will flatten. However, as we tend to perceive things in smaller sections we see the outliers on the bell curve and assume the program isn't random. In order to prove that the program is working I actually broke the selection code out into a separate program where I could simulate 100,000 tests and show that the curve is flat (all items are selected at an equal percentage) over extended use. However, any given set of 50 tests will appear to have items "favored" over others.

Anyway, my document is much longer and more detailed, but that's the basic jist. It really just explains why my test proves that the program is truly random, even though it isn't perceived that way. I’ve had calls daily on the subject, and trying to recall all my statistics from college has been making my head hurt. At one point I even plugged a binomial distribution function into a spreadsheet in order to give users specific expectations based on their data, and this shuts most calls up (mostly because they don’t understand what I’m sending them, but it works). This document is being prepared for the head bigwig, who needs more than just a simple Excel spreadsheet.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 15:31

Wow, I'm glad I didn't see this at work. I was way to busy to check the board today, and I'm glad!

I got to level 8, but that red board throws some wicked curves at you.

Fun stuff, thanks a lot! Now I just hope I don't remember it on Monday morning...
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Friday time wasting link - 06/06/2003 21:43

Because people are influencing the randomness*.

*See the book Margins of Reality, which details a set of scientific experiments in which people were able to influence, in a statistically significant manner, the bias of a random process with has a gaussian distribution, using no physical interaction in the process.

Posted by: peter

Re: Friday time wasting link - 09/06/2003 09:49

Can you forward a copy to the Empeg guys? I wanna know why a full-player-shuffle still tends to cluster neighboring FIDs.
And can you forward a copy to Tony Fabris? He wants to know why a full-player-shuffle can appear to cluster neighbouring FIDs.

Posted by: JeffS

Re: Friday time wasting link - 09/06/2003 16:16

And can you forward a copy to Tony Fabris?
Wouldn't apply I'm afraid (unless you did some tests to back up the expected behavior), but I feel your pain!
Posted by: russmeister

Re: Friday time wasting link - 10/06/2003 10:29

Has anyone pasted the 8th level? Here's my score...

Posted by: Dignan

Re: Friday time wasting link - 10/06/2003 10:36

I didn't pass the 8th, but I got 28050 and beat the red guy once in the 8th. It's f'ing hard on that level.

Of course, as many times as I play, I always seem to screw up royally in the 2nd or 3rd levels. It's embarrasing
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Friday time wasting link - 10/06/2003 12:14

anyone figure out a way to start on a higher level ?