Tuners during visit to USA

Posted by: pca

Tuners during visit to USA - 05/10/2003 16:46


No one mentioned anything, so perhaps no-one noticed. So I'm posting again.

I'm happy to bring a few tuner kits along on the forthcoming trip to California, if anyone in the areas we're going through wants one ahead of the queue. Any takers?

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Tuners during visit to USA - 05/10/2003 21:40

How much are they again?
Posted by: Flatline

Re: Tuners during visit to USA - 07/10/2003 16:36

Where in california will you be? I am somewhere in the 130s and would love to get mine ahead of time I have been worrying that I might have gotten lost on the list. (Eric Fesler - [email protected] or [email protected]) I am in the Bay area and happy to pick it up anywhere within a few hundred miles Also what days will you be in Cali?

Posted by: music

Re: Tuners during visit to USA - 09/10/2003 15:49

If you haven't departed yet, please stuff in a tuner kit for me.
(And, no, I wasn't in the queue, so I'll be skipping ahead of everyone.)

Meeting for the BBQ in Bezerkley during the middle of rush hour on a weekday
is maximally inconvenient for me, but I can do that if you will still be around
there at 8:30 or 9:00. Otherwise, we can arrange another time and place
in the SFbay area.

Posted by: Flatline

Re: Tuners during visit to USA - 10/10/2003 11:02

Ok, I figured out the time and location MOSTLY. I need Specifics for where in berkeley. I will be there and would love a tuner even if it cost extra I am on the list around 130ish.


Posted by: matthew_k

Re: Tuners during visit to USA - 10/10/2003 14:53

I'll be rather surprised if everyone is gone by 9, so I think you'd be safe on that front. The timeing is pretty bad from a traffic standpoint, but the other option was fighting the way into the city, which for us suburb dwellers is never fun on a weekday. Let me know if you think you'll make it.

Posted by: pca

Re: Tuners during visit to USA - 12/10/2003 23:19

They're 110 GBP each, which works out to about $181 US at current exchange rates, plus $16 shipping. I have 10 kits with me, which I'll do for $175 each.
