Nordost cable and CD treatment?!?

Posted by: tman

Nordost cable and CD treatment?!? - 31/10/2003 20:07

Are these guys being serious? I thought the people that buy super duper expensive power cables were kind of nutty but cable treatment fluid?
From the reviews it seems to reduce static build up, makes the sound move more freely, more natural, more relaxed and of course keep the cable clean as well...

What's the chance it's the most expensive bottle of isopropyl alcohol ever?

[edit]Engaged brain and rewrote the terrible sentences. Need sleep...[/edit]
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Nordost cable and treatment?!? - 31/10/2003 20:11

Bad link. But even without seeing it I would have to agree they are nuts.


OK it works now fine.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Nordost cable and treatment?!? - 31/10/2003 20:11

For every one of these hare-brained products there are thousands of morons lining up to buy them.

I think the saying "there's a sucker born every minute" needs to be combined with Moore's law.
Posted by: tman

Re: Nordost cable and treatment?!? - 31/10/2003 20:36

Anybody want to start a company? We can corner the market in audiophile quality heatshrink sleeving. When applied properly our special sleeving will ensure the depth of the music is preserved and the clarity of expression is not compromised. It will keep the highs tight and the lows clean. Of course, you'll need to buy the special $1500 hot air gun to go with it...
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Nordost cable and treatment?!? - 01/11/2003 01:10

i'm not joining your company

I mean your product does not invole magnets, you have not even taken into account the effects of static electricty. ions, free radicals or any other of the things metioned by other wonderful products.

So add a few magnets, deal with the above and then add in some really long complicated words that mean absolutely nothing and i'll join.

I think selling a new cleaning chemical called dihydrogenmonoxide and we would be sorted.

See it here