Subaru WRX question

Posted by: FireFox31

Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 19:20

Why must every Subaru WRX owner drive like a [censored] maniac? What are they trying to prove?

(I know the lines I'm crossing by asking this in a WRX-populated community. This is not a flame but an honest question that rears its ugly head again and again and again.)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 19:38

Because the WRX is a rally car.
Posted by: frog51

Re: Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 19:46

Erm...some don't, if there's anybody watching
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 19:47

Is heavy New Jersey traffic a rally course?

Seriously, if I get cut off, nearly sideswiped, or nearly rear-ended one more time by a WRX... I think I'm just going to have to get a faster car and have my revenge. ::forced :: Would a 300 HP Buick Roadmaster station wagon scare them off?
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 21:07

not unless it had a hot pink racing stripe
and a 'type r' sticker
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 22:58

not unless it had a hot pink racing stripe and a 'type r' sticker

But seriously, I know what you mean about some cars being asshole magnets, though. Present company excepted, of course. But I remember during the 90's, a local standup comic used to have a one-liner: "I see that Citrus Heights has a new mascot; A dickhead in a CRX..."
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Subaru WRX question - 19/12/2003 23:19

of course, im color blind, so he could use any color stripe between #FF9999 and #FF0099 (which im told are different colors) and ill never be able to tell the difference

(this whole post was written on the assumption that the given colors are, in fact, pink in color. if not, i just made my point even further, i guess)
Posted by: loren

Re: Subaru WRX question - 20/12/2003 09:48

The sad thing is the WRX is becoming the new Civic. All the guys that raced around in their slammed Civics are starting to trade up to WRXs or STi's or Evo's... yours truly included... except i never raced around in it in the first place. But i'm definitely noticing more and more WRXs being driven crazier by younger and younger people every day in San Francisco. That and BMW 300 series and M3's. Man... where do these kids get their money??

Anyhow, the WRX is hard to drive slow. Not that that's any excuse!
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: Subaru WRX question - 20/12/2003 16:29

Why must every Subaru WRX owner drive like a [censored] maniac? What are they trying to prove?

Well, I'm a fucking jerk, and I also drive a WRX so your assumptions and bold generalizations must be true. Come to think of it, I am trying to prove that my dick is bigger than that guy's in the Integra next to me.
Posted by: frog51

Re: Subaru WRX question - 22/12/2003 04:11

Another thought that occurred to me last night while taking my 18 month old daughter for a spin in my Scooby around a large ice-covered empty car park in an industrial estate near me was that in many cars I just couldn't drive safely like that.

The Subaru makes a lot of things much safer - slides are very controllable, even full opposite lock drifts, and you know you can drive closer to the edge because there is warning of back end breakaway and it is sooo recoverable.

Anyway, my daughter's comments - Wheeeeeeeee!

Posted by: andy

Re: Subaru WRX question - 22/12/2003 07:24

Yeah, just don't forget that in the UK if the car park is open to the public exactly the same laws apply as they do on the public road. You can (and people regularly are) be nicked for driving dangerously/driving unisured/etc on a deserted car park.

One poor guy was done for drink driving, after driving a couple of hundred yards across his own field. He was hosting a village fete in the field and while the fete had ended the gate to the field was still open and a few people hadn't yet left.

The law really can be silly sometimes...
Posted by: frog51

Re: Subaru WRX question - 22/12/2003 07:56

Aye - obviously made sure all nearby CCTV cameras were pointing in other directions

Wonder what the mileage is in arguing the case for it not being dangerous, but actually practicing so that on roads I am safer??? Must ask the traffic cop who lives 3 doors up
Posted by: DWallach

Re: Subaru WRX question - 22/12/2003 11:02

Would a 300 HP Buick Roadmaster station wagon scare them off?

If your goal is to get respect, nothing beats a 1970's station wagon, fake wood paneling and all, particularly if it's got numerous dents and other blemishes. A friend of mine in college had such a car. People gave you space! It was truly amazing. Nobody wants to cut off a car that simply just doesn't care. "Honey, did we hit a car on the way home or was that blue scrape always on the bumper?"
Posted by: julf

Re: Subaru WRX question - 22/12/2003 12:44

If your goal is to get respect, nothing beats a 1970's station wagon, fake wood paneling and all, particularly if it's got numerous dents and other blemishes. A friend of mine in college had such a car. People gave you space! It was truly amazing. Nobody wants to cut off a car that simply just doesn't care. "Honey, did we hit a car on the way home or was that blue scrape always on the bumper?"

Just try an ex-military land rover (complete with in-service dents and 27 layers of brush-applied paint)
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Subaru WRX question - 22/12/2003 13:58

No doubt. Although it wasn't as big as a wagon, my 1970 Plymouth Valiant (aka Dodge Dart) got me out of concert traffic faster than anything, especially at the symphony.

"Go ahead & try me Mr. Beemer, my car costs less than your headlight!"
