Expanding the monkey field

Posted by: Dignan

Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 00:12

<img src="http://empeg.comms.net/files/198139-monkeys.jpg">

Yup, that's what I'm talking about. Now for what I'm talking about:

I'm using this in a DVD project. regardless of what size it's going to end up as, I'm going to want extra space on the edges. On past projects, I've simply added a solid black border to the edges to keep the images within view of TVs that cut off the edges.

I'd like to have this image within view, but not a noticeably bad edge around it. Can anyone suggest how to make a surrounding field that matches the image? I have Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop, so I can take instructions in both, though I'm better with PSP. I'd like to make it about 800 by 600

Thanks for any help
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 00:57

Are you saying you want to add an additional decorative border that's different from the rest of the image, or do you want to expand the image so that the monkey's yard and sky are larger? (i.e., drawing more yard and sky around the edges?)

If it's the latter you want, then the just enlarge the canvas and go to work on it with copy/paste, invert selection, and liberal application of the clone tool.

Attached is only about 5 minutes' worth of half-hearted screwing around, to give you an idea of how to do it.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 01:03

Or you could hire this guy...
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 01:46

I've simply added a solid black border to the edges to keep the images within view of TVs that cut off the edges.
I can't suggest much more than what Tony has, I just figured I'd throw out the technical terms for this. There are two areas you need to be concerned with, called "safe action", and "safe title". In broadcast, any sort of text you want in the screen needs to be within safe title, to guarantee that it's on screen. Anything that you want on screen, but it doesn't matter quite so much if it gets cut off or distorted a bit (i.e. most TVs will show it), needs to be contained within safe action. Everything outside that better not matter too much, because it'll likely be cut out.

See here for more info, and some templates showing you just where the safe action and title zones are.

Edit: On second thought, rather than just going mad with the clone tool, I'd suggest using a few layers with the image mirrored in X, and a few layers with the image mirrored in the Y. Move those layers so they line up to extend the image out to dimensions you want. Then you can bust out the clone tool to break up the symmetry of the mirroring, and get rid of the white lines from the image edges. The toughest part is the left side, where you have to paint in some bushes and fence. The other side is just building, and shouldn't be too hard. On a whim, I painted up a 720x486 version using this method, and it worked pretty well. I saved it as a tif, so it's too big to attach -- if you want it as a jumping off point for a larger version, let me know.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 04:27

The extended version:

Posted by: trs24

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 09:22

Or you could hire this guy...
Wow, the project that guy did for pets.com was impressive!
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 11:57

Thanks, guys. Yeah, your examples are what I'm talking about. I'd forgotten the names for those areas, but yeah, those are what have been annoying me

I'd love to get that tiff from you. I'll PM you about it. I might try to see what you're talking about and do it myself, though, in case I need even more. Thanks for the help, though.

And that Pets.com thing is impressive!
Posted by: davec

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 13:54

Why did I assume this thread was about the Presidential candidates?

Interesting image, what's the story behind it?
Posted by: davec

pets.com artist - 21/01/2004 14:53

That guy has some cool stuff. Check out the cars The red one flying through the air has a JATO in the back and "Darwin Autobody" on the side...
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 21/01/2004 17:49

Honestly, I'd absolutely love to know the story behind it, but I have no clue what it may be. It's just one of those things you find on the internet. I think I got this one from some other message board.

The thing that I find curious about it is that it appears to be a scanned image of some kind of paper. If this was in a book of some sort, I'd love to know what it was

Oh, and the Presidential Candidate monkey field appears to be narrowing at the moment
Posted by: andym

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 22/01/2004 04:21

Did you see what he did to the two women? It was like a chamber of horrors.

Thanks for the picture dignan, i think it might be my new backdrop at work!
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 22/01/2004 11:24

This shows an extreme example of how far an image can be taken.
No joke!

Thanks for the picture dignan, i think it might be my new backdrop at work!
No problem! I love anything involving monkeys
Posted by: Skunk

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 22/01/2004 15:52

Standard rates are $150 per hour,
paid in advance by check or PayPal
I should go into business!
Seriously, I'm no Photoshop professional but I know I can do most of the things he does.
I love retouching and compositing with Photoshop!
Posted by: andym

Re: Expanding the monkey field - 22/01/2004 16:19

My girlfriend bought me this fellow for xmas, he's currently ensuring the safe installation of mythtv on my server.