Has Dean just shot his credibility?

Posted by: genixia

Has Dean just shot his credibility? - 29/01/2004 18:12

So today Dean, who has been campaigning primarily upon fiscal responsibility and an anti-Washington-insider stance announced that firstly, he had spent nearly all of his $40m campaign warchest already and would therefore have to not pay his staffers for 2 weeks, and secondly that he was bringing in a new campaign manager who, unsurprisingly, happens to be a Washington old-timer.

Has Dean just shot his credibility?
Yes, he has just thrown his principles and mandate down the toilet. That on top of the "Yeeeearrrgh" speech has killed his election chances. He looks like an egotist in denial.
No, he had to do that and people will understand. He's still the loveable, honest, caring man of the people.
He never really had it to begin with. A slimy politician running under a thinly-veneered 'people' mandate is still a slimy politician.