Silly DC power question

Posted by: davec

Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 10:33

I got a boom box unit for the Audiovox Sirius receiver. I plan on using it out on the boat occasionally. It came with an AC adapter that converts to 12vDC. The AC converter is 2.2amp rating, if I remember correctly. It takes 8 Dcell batteries to run otherwise.
Can I get any cigarette lighter plug with the center post positive plug of the correct size, or is there any other consideration I need to make to not blow anything up? I assume the amp rating is important for the AC adapter only?
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 10:55

I assume the amp rating is important for the AC adapter only?
No...there should be an amp rating for DC (if that is not it.) The adapter needs to be able to supply enough current for the device to function properly. It's fine if the adapter exceeds the amperage rating, because the device will only draw what it needs. In short, the things you need to worry about are:

1. voltage (volts)
2. polarity (center positive)
3. current (amps)

if the adapter meets all these criteria, and physically fits, then you're good to go.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 10:58

I assume the amp rating is important for the AC adapter only?
Not quite. It could be important in the sense of "This boom box might draw as much as 2 amps sometimes". In which case, you have to make sure the cigarette lighter wiring in your boat is rated to handle 2 amps and/or doesn't have a fuse that's rated lower than 2 amps. That's not likely to be an issue (the fuse is probably 10a or more), I just wanted to point out where the AC adapter's rating might be important.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 10:59

Yeah, to be clearer, that rating is most likely how many DC amps the adapter can supply.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 11:01

Let me clarify...some adapters are fused, and will have a lower current rating then the boat's circuit, you'll want to make sure that the adapter will meet the specs, as well as the circuit, as Tony pointed out.
Posted by: davec

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 11:51

OK thanks guys! The cig lighter in the boat is on a 20a fuse. Off to Rat Shack to see if they have anything I can use. I just don't recall seeing the cig adpaters having an amp rating before.
These modern bass boats have tons of electronics and a rather large fuse panel for all of it... I've got extra accessory slots and switches unused, but it seems most things are easiest plugged right into the cig lighter. (spotlight, camcorder, etc) Need the radio for when football season starts up since Sirius picked up NFL radio.
Posted by: davec

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 13:06

WOW! First time in ages the clerk at Rat Shack actually knew what I was talking about and could truly help me! Got an adapter and some 2.5A fuses to replace the 2A in the adapter, just to be safe. It's good to go!
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 13:07

Cool! Sounds like that should work!
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 13:28

Off-topic musing...I wonder how possible it would be to interface the empeg with a satellite tuner for an aftermarket stereo. That would be a killer alternative to an empeg tuner (and about as cheap, depending on the hardware involved.) I imagine it would be a matter of decoding one of the aftermarket protocols like IPBus or AINet and then converting it to transmit over serial. I'm actually pretty surprised there aren't more projects out there to do this, as it would be useful for many projects.

EDIT: I did find this. Not sure if it's useful.
EDIT AGAIN: nope...that's their PC-Link protocol...I don't think it's used in vehicles.
Posted by: davec

Re: Silly DC power question - 19/02/2004 13:51

I'm using the Audiovox system I posted about in this thread
Not at all like what you're talking about, but other than being rather bulky and no good place to mount in the vehicle without it looking obnoxious, it works on the AUX IN, esp after I fixed the loose connection!
A sat. tuner like the empeg tuner with info displayed on the empeg would be nice. I am now confusing myself when looking at either screen and forgetting if I'm on Sirius or empeg...