10 year high school reunion email

Posted by: mschrag

10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 13:58

I suddenly feel very old.
Posted by: russmeister

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 14:00

At least you're young enough to have received the notification via email.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 14:40

I'm rolling up to the 25th, sorry, no sympathy here
Posted by: ninti

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 16:46

I would have gone to my 10 year reunion...but no-one cared enough to set one up. I thought it was kind of funny, I think we all hated high school (and our high school) too much to want to relive it all that much.
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 18:12

Same here...10 years.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 18:24

I didn't have any interest in going to my 10-year reunion, especially considering that I was unemployed at the time. Interestingly, I found out about my 5-year reunion from a classmate that I actually bump into from time to time. It seemed that they never sent me an invitation. Given that I live in the same city I went to high school in and my name is in the phone book, you'd think that it wouldn't be too hard to find me. Evidently they didn't put any effort behind it. I was going to crash, but, well, I'm lazy.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 21:22

No sympathy here, either. Mine was last year. Or, rather, wasn't. No-one set one up. I'm not that disappointed, though it would have been nice to go back and see how many people have actually managed to do something beyond having a shotgun wedding.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 15/03/2004 21:59

I would have gone to my 10th, but I was on a tropical island sipping rum drinks. My best friend was sure to let everyone know that. Heh.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 12:02

I didn't have any interest in going to my 10-year reunion
Everyone I cared about in high school, I am still in touch with, at least on occasion. Aside from those few friends, I pretty much hated all of the people and the entire experience in general, so the thought of wanting to attend a class reunion is totally foreign to me.
Posted by: Roger

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 12:40

so the thought of wanting to attend a class reunion

Class reunions are only for people to show off how well they've done since leaving all those other deadbeats behind.

Anyway, if you do go to your 10-year High School Reunion, try not to kill anyone for a couple of days, see how it goes.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 12:49

Well, just found out mine's happening this August. I'm trying to remember which people were actually in my grade level that I hung out with. Really though, I dropped most of my HS friends as soon as I got to college. Still, I'm interested in attending. It must be the juvenile part of me that wants to show off my beautiful wife.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 12:49

Love that movie.
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 12:55

Just remember, you can never go home again, but you can shop there.

Posted by: foxtrot_xray

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 14:40

I'm getting mine this year too. :/

Posted by: andy

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 14:59

I've just discovered that my school's tercentenary celebrations are on the same weekend as the Euromeet. Hmm, bunch of techies or a bunch of people I mostly disliked...
Posted by: DWallach

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 16:35

My 10th reunion was in 1999, so not all that long ago. There's a firm in Dallas that organizes these things professionally. They dug up all the names, contacting former parents or whatnot, and I believe asked us to pay some small amount of money to cover the event. No big deal, really.

There were actually two events: a Friday night "casual" get-together at a bar and a Saturday night "formal" thing at the top of one of the big office buildings. I think I preferred the casual event, but then I decided to dress up in my shiny new pinstripe zoot suit for the formal event. Half of the people thought it was cool and the other half typically said something like "so, what's with the zoot suit?" I was then voted most likely to become a politician.

I actually enjoyed catching up with some of my old classmates who I didn't necessarily consider to be friends back in the day. It was wild to see how some people became beautiful and others became ... less so. Several of my classmates about whom I was most curious never showed up. Still, I'm glad I went, and I think everybody should go if given the chance.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 17:17

Sorry I go with the majority. I didn’t like them then, and I have no reason to think I would like them now. As you can tell by most of the posts (and that stupid Romy and Michele's High School Reunion movie) most people just go to brag, or lie. I'm not into that.

My wife was bugging me to go to my 20th and I said "OK, if I can find five people I'd like to see again I'll go." Only found three out of three hundred and they probably would not have been there. Maybe I’m missing out but my wife went to her 5, 10 and 15 year reunions and hated them.
Posted by: davec

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 17:35

I'm with the no-go crowd, but the 20th might be a consideration (2006). I never got an invitation to the 10th, and my mother still lives in the same house as when I was born, so it wouldn't have been hard to find me. Plus I was on the classmates.com site where they organized it. The photos that showed up on classmates.com seemed to be the same crowd of people that hung out in high school. Sort of like they used the reunion for their own little party and invited only their little clique... I hung out with the class a year ahead of me anyways...
Posted by: Whitey

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 20:29

My high school still sends me a bill for the parking tickets I received there. They are very anal over $334.50.
Posted by: bodybag

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 21:17

I just got my 20... OUCH
Posted by: Heather

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 16/03/2004 21:42

I wouldn't go. I hated the most of them. I can't think of 1 out of 700 that I would want to see again that I'm not still in touch with.

I get all the satisfaction I need by letting the [censored] who made me miserable since first grade pump my gas.

Yup, I'm bitter.
Posted by: boxer

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 17/03/2004 07:45

Where I'm sitting, you see that letterhead and you know that they want money for a new wing, or laboratory, or to send children to the himalayas and they just want to reel you in to sell it to you. Why me? I was a totally not sports orientated person in a sports orientated school, surely all those parents who pay £14,000 a year are paying for that, my parents did their bit 40 years ago. Your donation makes the school more desirable for the next generation, why lump me with it?
My designated charities for the year are saving the Flying Scotsman for the Country and getting Tom to Amersfoort - don't apply otherwise!
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 17/03/2004 09:20

"High school" in the US is for ages 14-18, give or take. So before college/university/whatever you call it. And the reuinions are usually basically privately organized, so no one's looking for a handout. Not to mention that most people go to state-run schools (called "public schools" here), so there's probably not any way to donate money to them anyway.

It's really all a social occasion. It's just that most of us have no desire to be social with people that hated us ten years ago.
Posted by: davec

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 17/03/2004 09:37

There's a "reality show" called High School Reunion on UPN now. It's the Class of 93 from Round Rock, TX, a city north of Austin. They brought them all to Hawaii for the show. It's cheesy like all reality shows, except Survivor, love that show!
This show is slightly amusing because they are setting up conflict among the participants. Of course what is reality TV without conflict... I think some of the people there truly hated each other then and still do, for example the redneck got put in the same room as the flambouyant, bitter gay man that was a closet homosexual in high school. He's really bitter now and is probably going to start shit with the redneck. He (the gay man) said he's done taking shit from people for being gay, so it ought to be a good brawl, they're both big guys... And full of hatred...
Then there's the woman who wants her high school sweetheart/ex-husband back, but he's not interested, and next week they bring in the old girlfriends that broke up the marriage... Cat fight!!!
Yeah, I got sucked in, TiVo Season Pass is set...
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 17/03/2004 12:07

VH1 had a special on reality tv, and they claim that the cast isn't all from the class of '93. And according to some of the participants, some of the show was rigged. But then again, what else is new?
Posted by: davec

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 17/03/2004 13:46

What would reality TV be without faking it?
Posted by: gui

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 18/03/2004 04:52

Mine was last year, but fortunately wasn't invited, despite my parents still living at the same address. The only friend I've kept in touch with went, and to every other reunion for the previous 9 years (expecting a low turn out, my school invites everyone every year) and has hated every one of them.

I'm hoping she's learnt her lesson now...
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 18/03/2004 19:11

What would reality TV be without faking it?

Incredibly unrealistic and boring as hell.

Of course, it's no different with the faking...

Posted by: JrFaust

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 19/03/2004 12:47

Yeah I'd have to agree with Tony on wanting to go as being a foreign idea. No one paid me any attention unless it was to pick on me. There are only two people from high school I'd want to see and I've been hanging out with them once a week for the last ten years anyways. My only reason to go to my ten year is to show off my wife of nine years, oh and laugh at the townies. But then again someone would have to set up the reunion for there to be one, oops.

Posted by: JeffS

Re: 10 year high school reunion email - 19/03/2004 13:16

When I think of HS, I remember how important it was to be in the “in” crowd. I wasn’t, and I didn’t much care either. However, a lot of people did, and I’m very interested to find out what has happened to them now. The moment I stepped onto a college campus it was apparent that HS popularity wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on (and since it wasn’t printed on paper, that’s a pretty low value). Perhaps I want vindication or maybe it’s just my curiosity to see how the “popular” ones ended up after all these years. Either way, I must admit I’m interested in going. One person I’m really anxious to find out about is the guy who was second in our class (fricken brilliant and a totally nice guy) who went to the Naval Academy instead of many of the big schools that were courting him.