To lazy to rip your CD library?

Posted by: Phoenix42

To lazy to rip your CD library? - 05/04/2004 08:18

Read a small article about this web site in yesterday's paper.
Not something anyone here would need I think, but an intresting business idea none the less.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 05/04/2004 08:30

I saw that posted on here I think ? It sounds like a neat idea but a dollar cd is pretty steep.
Posted by: boxer

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 05/04/2004 08:39

I don't think ripping your collection is the problem that they make out, it's easy to swap them over and keep a production line going whilst you're doing other things. I ripped around 900, but I did use 3 pc's going all the time whilst I'm at home.

The upside is that it reminds you of all the corners of your collection that you really liked, but haven't heard in ages, the downside is that you have to edit all the errors on other people's freedb entries, but presumably you would have that problem if they ripped them for you.
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 05/04/2004 09:20

I think that this is a pretty good idea, but their business model needs some tweaking. I'm going to bet that a lot of people would be willing to pay a dollar per, but the FedExing of 200+ cds would be a huge pain. I'm thinking that a more regional aproach would be more effective. You know, if you live withing a certain number of miles from a major metropolitan area they could come pick up your cds or something like that. Of course that would kill their overhead, but I know I would be more willing to give it a try.

Or maybe you could ship it to them and they charge $0.80 per and if they pick your collection up its $1.25 per...

by the way, do they have any competition?
Posted by: boxer

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 02:57

You know, if you live withing a certain number of miles from a major metropolitan area they could come pick up your cds or something like that

Sounds like a franchise opportunity to me!
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 08:58

Okay, I've held my tongue for this long, but it's been pushed to the top a number of times now:

"Too lazy..." "Too", not "To".
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 09:14

Sorry Bitt.
Posted by: Heather

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 09:53

Or do what I did, hire the neighbor's kid to do it.
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 10:28

The more I think about this the more upset I get that I didn't think of this earlier. Damnit. How much cash do you think I would need to get something like this started? I would probably have to go out and buy 20 Plextors or something Not to mention a good marketing campaign.

Posted by: FireFox31

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 19:41

bx: "hire" as in his payment was keeping an MP3 copy of your entire collection.

ithoughti: But it's very labor intensive, all that swapping and cleaning incorrect freedb tags. Maybe outsource the work overseas. haha, putting a crate of CDs on the boat oversees and back.
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 22:23

If I'm correct, and I'm almost positive that I am, those guys surely keep a FLAC copy of each unique cd (even though they say they dont). That way when the same cd comes their way again, the labor = almost 0

Imagine in about 6 months they would hardly have to do any ripping at all, maybe just some reencoding, and send the dvds out. Brilliant.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: To lazy to rip your CD library? - 06/04/2004 23:13

Since they don't let you drop the cds off I am picturing one guy in his livingroom