Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera?

Posted by: genixia

Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 10:59

Anyone got any recommendations for a really cheap camera capable of macro photography. I can't justify the cost of a digital SLR and I'm wondering whether there is anything out there that is dirt cheap and worth buying just for this one purpose alone.

Uses - close ups of circuitry with very short focus. Anything else unimportant. 1MP+
Posted by: lastdan

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 11:56

intel made a 300x 'camera' (wanna be microscope) that does a good job for such a thing. search for 'intel play', they shut it down a few years ago, but I found two news ones for like $30. I think it's a 'qx3'.
if you need further info I'll check when I get home, I may still have the box.
it is a toy, not a pro-unit.

more info: http://support.intel.com/support/intelplay/qx3/
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 12:05

My Fuji low-end digicam has a macro setting that works pretty well. I could take a picture of something and let you see if it's good enough for you. I don't think that they make the model I have anymore, but their lowest-end one has a macro setting and an MSRP of $129.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 21:34

Pick up just about *any* used Nikon Coolpix camera. The older 2/3mp versions must be selling for around $100 (or less?) on the used market, and they can focus within about an inch of an object. Despite having my Canon DSLR for the past two years, I've still kept my Nikon CP 990 here -- it only gets pulled out for macros, but.. WHAT MACROS! Fantastic!

Sample attached (reduced in size from the amazing original).

Posted by: mlord

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 21:47

Here's another sample: my 1600x1200 LCD display.

EDIT: bloody BBS did the phoney attachment again.

You can view the 100% pixel crop here.

Posted by: genixia

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 22:14

Ok, that one is pretty amazing. I assume that the coolpix allows you to zoom in macro mode?

I've just discovered that my antique Sony DSC S30 actually does have a macro mode, but unfortunately it won't focus if any zoom is used, which limits its usefulness. Still, I'll try a couple of pcb shots this week to see whether it will suffice or whether to trawl ebay.

Posted by: genixia

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 22:17

Thanks also to Bitt and Lastdan for their suggestions.

It's a shame that Intel discontinued the QX3 - it was a rather fun use of webcam technology.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 22:17

Yup, it can zoom around. The camera requires the middle range of the zoom for the 2.5cm focussing range, but even then there's some leeway. Really, my quicky samples hardly do it justice, but I suppose you can recall other photos I've posted to this BBS of chips and whatnot -- all taken with this camera.

The swivel-body Nikon Coolpix line are the ultimate macro cameras. Bar none.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 14/06/2004 22:38

Yeah, but nevermind. That's freaking amazing.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 15/06/2004 08:01

I've got a Nikon Coolpix 990 and the macro is indeed superb - it will do circuitry very well indeed. I'll dig out some photos when I get home.

Posted by: lastdan

Re: Dirt cheap macro capable digital camera? - 15/06/2004 10:44

I have a nikon 990, it's great !! the lenses are getting cheap and it takes very good macros. but, for what looks to be about ~$20 on ebay the qx3 thingie does an ok job too.
here's a few snaps.
one cool thing about the qx3 is that it has a built in light, and a built in back light too. great for bugs. (: