emulate a USB device with a PC?

Posted by: mschrag

emulate a USB device with a PC? - 21/06/2004 20:34

Is it possible to connect one PC to another PC and have the first PC emulate a USB device for the second PC? Does this cause terrible explosions having two USB buses plugged into eachother? The situation here is that I want the PC to pretend to be an XBox controller so that I can write fancier automated test cases.
Posted by: lectric

Re: emulate a USB device with a PC? - 21/06/2004 22:23

To connect two computers together you will need a USB bridge. A USB Peer to Peer cable for file and hardware sharing or a USB Data Transfer Cable for file sharing. CAUTION: Using A to A USB cables, will short the two PCs' power supplies together, possibly destroying one or both machines or causing a fire hazard.

Dunno if it supports ANY usb/usb connection, but it definitely DOES do pc networking.
Posted by: peter

Re: emulate a USB device with a PC? - 22/06/2004 02:26

If you want the target PC to be able to emulate an arbitrary USB gadget, you'll need extra USB target hardware for the PC. I don't know whether that even exists. You'd be much better off using a car-player, possibly with a newer kernel to take advantage of all the new USB gadget stuff that's gone in recently.
