UK auto insurance.

Posted by: robricc

UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 13:14

Is there such thing as short-term insurance in the UK? Like if I wanted to insure a car for 7 days?

I am toying with the idea of buying a car in the UK and driving it during the meet. I could get something of interest to me for about 2x the price of the rental I booked. I would also need somewhere to store it until I figure out how to get it back to the states. This isn't likely to happen, but I just want to see how possible it is.

The car I am looking at (on ebay) would be classified as an antique in NY in 2006. So, once I hit that point I should have no problem registering it.
Posted by: boxer

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 13:25

Give me the link to the car and I'll see if my broker can cover it, he's done one day before, so I don't see why it should be a problem.
If not, you can do it by the number of miles a year or six months, which is what I do with my motorhome.

Storage shouldn't be a problem, from basic up to air-con. depends on the value of the car to you!
Posted by: robricc

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 13:32

I sent you a PM
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 17:58

Generally you would have problems getting your own policy for various reasons. As mentioned being added onto an existing one is much, much easier and I would go with that if I were you!

Exporting should be quite easy. I have imported a couple of cars (US > UK) and while very stressful it is ultimately satisying.

I would recommend Roll-on Roll-off shipping (car driven on and off the ship by dock workers). A friend just imported a Z06 'vette by RoRo with little problems.

It is best to get an agent to handle the basic jobs at both ends - they will know for sure what paperwork you need and will handle booking with the shipping line etc too.

I used Southampton EuroTerminal both times and would recommend them as a starting point. Adrian knows his stuff - they are part of Wallenius Willhemsen Lines:

Adrian Montgomery
Southampton EuroTerminal
Dock Gate 4, Test Road
Eastern Docks
Southampton, SO14 3GG
+44 23 8038 8679
adrian.montgomery (at)

PM me if you need any more info.

PS: Latest "empeg holder" arrived Friday (note the "non starter" sticker - the 9C1 pack is supposed to stop flat battery problems, duh!)
Posted by: andym

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 18:50

What is it Rob? Must be pretty swish to go to this much effort.
Posted by: robricc

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 18:59

I guess swish means good, but it's not. Just another Saab sh*tbox.

Getting it into the US seems like it would be way too much money and effort. I'll look over the idea a little more, but I I have serious doubts it will happen.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 19:01

Looks like a late-model Chevy Impala, something most Americans wouldn't be caught dead in, though it's less ugly than some of the other Chevy line. However, with the spotlight on the car (that's the thing above the side mirror), I'm guessing it was a cop car. Cop shocks. Cop brakes. Needs a new lighter.
Posted by: andym

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 19:05

Thanks for the ID, Bitt. Maybe my phrasing was incorrect but the question was aimed at Rob Ricc and his mystery car (which isn't such a mystery now )....
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 19:09

I figured it out after I read his reply. Oh, well.

(You ought to reply to the correct post! Is this the first Quick Reply mistake?)
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 19:10

Looks like a late-model Chevy Impala, something most Americans wouldn't be caught dead in, though it's less ugly than some of the other Chevy line. However, with the spotlight on the car (that's the thing above the side mirror), I'm guessing it was a cop car. Cop shocks. Cop brakes. Needs a new lighter.

The car pictured is mine.

Yup, it's a cop car (my second). Two years old and a hundred thousand on the clock. Runs pretty well though - it has a tick under load which I think (hope) is the exhaust and the discs are slightly warped (but skimmable I think).

I like unusual stuff and this is possibly the only Impala in the country.

Amusingly the second day I had it (Saturday) I came out to see the driver's window wound down. After tearing out the power window mechanism I found that the first time I had used it (to hand the ticket in at the dock gates) the cable end snapped off and the cables wound themselves around the spindle.

I found the real problem though - It had "BOSCH - MADE IN MEXICO" stamped on the motor!

Posted by: boxer

Re: UK auto insurance. - 28/06/2004 19:28

Just another Saab sh*tbox

I'd be after a left hand drive, 2 door, 1709c.c., Triumph engined '99, with freewheel, if I wanted to be the belle of the ball! Must be one or two around in Europe! Did they export to the US that early?