Remember the commodore 64?

Posted by: JaBZ

Remember the commodore 64? - 09/07/2004 07:09

check this out lol!
Posted by: ninti

Re: Remember the commodore 64? - 09/07/2004 19:00

Does it only play midi files?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Remember the commodore 64? - 09/07/2004 19:04

Please tell me (lie if you must) that I am not the only person that saw "eVIC", saw it was 20GB and thought that they should have named it "VIC-20"...
Posted by: genixia

Re: Remember the commodore 64? - 09/07/2004 19:15

Commodore 64 played midi files? Not as far as I can remember - it had an awe-inspiring sound chip capable of playing an incredible 3 notes simultaneously. One of the tone generators doubled as the pseudo-random number generator, so if the sound chip went FUBAR then games got somewhat predictable.

Hmm, they're releasing the C64 in a joystick this year. Might have to take a trip down Nostalgia Lane and pick one up to play Paradroid again.
Posted by: ninti

Re: Remember the commodore 64? - 09/07/2004 23:25

Sorry, you are right, they were not quite midi files, though similiar in some respects.

If you want to play old Commodore games, emulators are the way to go. I have almost all of the games I loved on the Commodore for the emulator, and play them on occasion with good success. And you know what, some of them are still pretty damn fun.
Posted by: JaBZ

Re: Remember the commodore 64? - 09/07/2004 23:52

I actually have a commodore 64 with hardddrive in pristene condition, although haven't run it for 12 years..
crazy people like this are still keeping it alive lol
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Remember the commodore 64? - 10/07/2004 16:10

You're likely thinking of SID music files. SID was the Audio chip in the C64. Damn good sound for the time. There was a large community of amateur composers and cover artists producing songs in the SID-Player format. But the awe-ispiring music came from some very talented composers really showing off the machine with more advanced music software/programming and later track editors: Rob Hubbard, Chris Hülsbeck, Ben Daglish, David Whittaker and a bunch of others. I still remember the first time I heard a sampled sound on my C64. The first time I sampled a sound myself, and the first time I ever heard a composed piece using sampled instruments.

Nostalgia. Then of course came the Amiga which took a very long time to be bested...

And to get things back on topic (sort-of) the Amiga's most popular image format was IFF-ILBM (Interchange File Format - Interleaved Bitmap). And IFF was passed around as a format idea when PNG was first being developed - not adopted.
