GPS Navigation

Posted by: eternalsun

GPS Navigation - 27/07/2004 19:54

Hello Empeg Friends,

I've been on a long hiatus from the board, I really miss everyone. I just wanted to update everyone on what I've been up to the past few years. Some years back, there was a great deal of talk about navigation and maps. Since there was a scarcity of good map data, I went out and began contacting the big players in navigation maps hoping to strike a deal to do empeg navigation.

However, this was not to be. The costs for the maps are prohibitively expensive at the time, but it did get me thinking.

So since then, I've decided to go 100% into building a Navigation Device that I could live with. This last week, we released our two new GPS receivers for those out there already with a PDA. In the coming months, we will release our first Navigation PDA. It's a PDA with 224Mb of memory, of which more than half of that will be dedicated to maps and POIs.

I've not made the prerequisite press releases or major promotions yet, as we are quite busy building the company up, setting up the web site, fixing hardware bugs, fixing software, and doing lots of active development. I did put the site up for previewing, for anyone here that would like to take a look and offer any suggestions. Mobile Crossing.

Finally, in the next few weeks, I will be filling in remaining spots on my beta test candidate list for the California area. I'm looking for a few more people who happen to do a lots of driving to do some testing. Selected candidates just have to come by and get set up with a nav PDA.

Anyway, that's it.

Posted by: mcomb

Re: GPS Navigation - 27/07/2004 20:18

Finally, in the next few weeks, I will be filling in remaining spots on my beta test candidate list for the California area

Hmm, do your devices require a Windows desktop? It looks like they do, otherwise I'd be interested.

Posted by: matthew_k

Re: GPS Navigation - 27/07/2004 22:09

Looks cool. I've been wanting to investigate handheld navigation after I started driving a nav equiped lexus occasionally. I've PMed you about my willingness to beta test.

"Bluetooth as an accessory" would use the same slot as the GPS right? Does it have a walking or hiking mode? Maps for other countries? (I havn't finished perusing the web site yet, so these may be ansewered)

Posted by: loren

Re: GPS Navigation - 27/07/2004 22:56

PMed ya.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 03/08/2004 14:53

We do not require a Windows desktop. :-)

Are you in the Bay Area?

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 03/08/2004 14:56

We have maps of other countries, but I'm still trying to organize the maps for the US in a usable fashion. The POI data is really the biggest problem right now. I have a database of millions of points of interest, and much of it is dirty in one way or another. I haven't figured out a good way to clean up this data in a hurry. If I could, I would have data for other countries out much faster.

Regarding walking and hiking mode. At this point, we only have a few conceptual ideas but nothing developed to handle this. Any ideas?

Posted by: matthew_k

Re: GPS Navigation - 03/08/2004 16:25

Regarding walking and hiking mode. At this point, we only have a few conceptual ideas but nothing developed to handle this. Any ideas?

Nothing more than conceptual ideas. Basically being able to "turn off" one way streets and the "snap to street" function. Perhaps also seperate heading indicators for the current leg of the route and the end destination in case short cuts that aren't evident on the map are obvious?

Posted by: burdell1

Re: GPS Navigation - 03/08/2004 18:17

I would love to be a part of it, but I do not live in the Bay area....Can I still Beta test?
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 03:24

When things let up a little and we get a chance to turn the guns on solving the hiking problem, I'd like to really do it right. I'm thinking designing something that uses elevation data, to build isocontour trails on the fly would be nice. A function to calculate the optimum place to get the nicest view, say, from a certain side of a mountain, would be nice. But I don't have the time or resources to attack the problem the right way, yet.

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 03:25

Where are you located? I'll be looking for beta testers outside of California after this next testing cycle.

Posted by: burdell1

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 03:34

I live in Minnetonka, Minnesota...a suburb of Minneapolis....thanks!
Posted by: robricc

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 11:02

If you want someone to test New York and be able to compare it to a Street Pilot III, give me a holler.
Posted by: Micman2b

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 11:46

I could do some testing in the raleigh/durham area of NC if you need it...

Sean in NC
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 11:48

I live in Northern Virginia if you ever need any testing for that area. And I visit my dad a good bit in Winchester, VA up in the mountains.
Posted by: trs24

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 13:55

Hey, count me in for testing in New Mexico... If you decided you needed to.
Posted by: burdell1

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 14:00

I might have missed it on your website, but how much is the Bluetooth GPS? Will you be coming out with an SD card GPS?
Posted by: Miltoid

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 16:58

I'd be interested to see how your maps for Houston compare to Street Atlas 2004 Handheld. Their maps for some of the newer suburbs are really funny, unless of course you make house calls for a living like me.
Posted by: image

Re: GPS Navigation - 04/08/2004 20:24

hey calvin,

i happen to be a network consultant in the los angeles area. i do about 100 miles of driving a day going to different clients. if you want to beta test with me, it would be great.
Posted by: genixia

Re: GPS Navigation - 05/08/2004 13:28

Digs on Boston.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 05/08/2004 15:46


We don't have any plans to come out with an SD GPS. It would be cool to have, but at the level of production currently, the cost is prohibitive for most people. If your PDA doesn't have a Compact Flash slot, I would recommend obtaining an SD Bluetooth card and our Bluetooth GPS. In the long run, the Bluetooth capability will give you more options. I just talked to our online dealer ( and recommended that they obtain some SD Bluetooth cards.

The Bluetooth GPS is $209 special only until labor day.

If you want more information on the Bluetooth GPS, there is a review out.

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 05/08/2004 15:48

Send me an email (cchu at with your full contact info, current employment, and what you just posted. I'll send you the candidacy information.

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 05/08/2004 15:49

Our maps will be better. :-)
Posted by: burdell1

Re: GPS Navigation - 05/08/2004 15:55

are you talking about for all of us?
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: GPS Navigation - 06/08/2004 16:56

I'm accepting requests for candidacy. Those chosen for the beta test will know when they get an email back stating that they've been selected. If you're not on the candidacy list there is no chance you can be selected so it won't hurt to drop me an email.
