a work colleague was opening a link...

Posted by: JaBZ

a work colleague was opening a link... - 21/09/2004 07:46

and I just happened to be walking past.... I froze couldn't take my eyes off the screen.. it chilled me to the bone, the sickest thing I have ever seen. It was the beheading video of Eugene Armstrong.
Posted by: andym

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 21/09/2004 11:33

How anyone can do that to another human being is beyond comprehension. Really scary thing is, it only takes three words in Google to find it, three very obvious words.

It seems Mr. Blair is quite happy to resign Ken Bigley to the same fate. Although why anyone would willingly work over there is beyond me, no amount of money is enough when you see what those animals did to him.
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 21/09/2004 12:07

It seems Mr. Blair is quite happy to resign Ken Bigley to the same fate.

Unfortunately, compliance resigns itself to more than that.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 21/09/2004 19:52

I can't imagine wanting to watch that very sick
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 21/09/2004 20:46

Wonder what would happen if they started executing all Iraqi prisoners? I wouldn't feel too upset about it if there were just cause, but the simple fact is that most (all?) of them aren't guilty of anything.

The US went in with BVritain's head firmly up it's ass and that's about it. Now they can't back out and have to stick through until they say it's the end. And they can't say it's the end right now. Of course no one knows when that time will be. And in the end, life will go on and it's doubtful the whole Middle East will be more or less in any respect than it already is. Maybe a few more McDonalds up and a few more Americans getting rich.

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 22/09/2004 06:07

How anyone can do that to another human being is beyond comprehension

Yeah. Much better and more humane to just drop bombs and cruise missiles on them so you can kill them by the thousands instead of just one at a time.

Posted by: frog51

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 22/09/2004 13:00

I agree with you in principle, that it is less bad to kill one person than 100, but I still think it would be easier to drop a bomb than actually take an axe to someone's neck...much less immediacy.

Don't fancy doing either, but that's just my tuppence worth. All pretty sick in my opinion, and if you take it to a further extreme, not just taking out innocents, but innocent kids like what happened in the school in Russia - how the FSCK can ANYBODY do that? No matter what their grievance?
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: a work colleague was opening a link... - 23/09/2004 01:20

how the FSCK can ANYBODY do that? No matter what their grievance?

I don't know -- ask President Bush, maybe he can tell you.
