Paul, you have competition...

Posted by: Ezekiel

Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 20:22

Slashdot Link

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 20:35

Wow! Okay, I think that someone has crossed the oh-so-thin line between excess and insanity...
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 20:39

Oh no, he's not insane. He has a perfectly good reason for his collection- he's stocking up so that when WWIII is over we'll have some good tunes to listen to. He's preserving our way of life . . .
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 20:45

Insane is being kind. It's well beyond insane. Some pictures of that room would have been interesting. Sometimes (yes, aside from the WW3 comments) it still seemed like "Doug" was talking out his arse.

I will give him one thing.. It's likely a tougher job to download that much music than it is being an attorney - of any kind. I think I'd be spending more time with the underwear model and her friends. Send the kids out for pizza... In Italy.

Posted by: Heather

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 20:55

I think I'd be spending more time with the underwear model and her friends.

Former underwear model. Who knows what she looks like now.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 22:26

Who knows what kind of underwear....

Posted by: PaulWay

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 15/11/2004 22:30

Heh - my collection is pitifully small - pitifully small - compared to some. Sometimes I wonder how on earth I manage to actually put any decent mixes together.

Mind you, these days I'm trying to spend money on paying off a house loan and saving up for a trip to visit a friend in Oman, so records have been left a bit by-the-bye. Still, got Platipus Volume Nine, which is (mostly) excellent stuff. Try some, today!

Have fun,


P.S. New mixes coming out relatively soon; check the website for details.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 16/11/2004 02:28

Can't wait. Right now I have nine of your mixes cued and I shouldn't hear anything twice for the next fourteen hours and fifty three minutes. Aaah.

I'll agree, the man's certifiable. Probably a side effect of practicing law.

Posted by: Ladmo

Re: Paul, you have competition... - 16/11/2004 03:23

I disagree...I'm jelous as hell! But to d/l music and then not share and to say it would be 'illegal' ... I mean, only a lawer or Clinton would say something like that....Oops...I used the 'C' word...look out now...the Bush Boys will spring up now!

Seriously, I prefer to have the music I like for myself. Screw the stuff I don't my humble opinion, Country and Western, Rap, and Polka don't deserve to survive 'the last human'! Ha...