
Posted by: Dignan

Greenland - 27/02/2005 17:32

No, not the country. I'm sorry for the shameless plug, but this is important to me, so I wanted to post it here.

My best friends recently started a band (named Greenland), and have just finished recording a five track demo. The demo is completely free and downloadable from their website,

Three tracks from the demo are linked from Washington, but they would still be very gratefull if you'd listen to those, because it gets them better local visibility, and if they get a track that's frequently played, that would be good for them.

I'm not certain how to describe their sound, but the basic genre would be rock. So please, if you have some time, take a listen. They also have video up there of their shows so far. Thanks!
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Greenland - 02/03/2005 17:46

I'm terribly sorry to bump this back up, but there is a purpose. See, the day after I posted this thread, my friend who is the drummer of the band, and runs their website, posted three of the tracks on the artists section of Therefore, in order to get them some visibility in our hometown area, they (and I) would really appreciate it if anyone could download the song "Black Lightning." Actually, "Take Your Tiger..." is higher right now, so really any songs you guys could download would be fantastic. Support new artists! A great way to stick it to the RIAA!

Sorry again for the shameless plug, but I'm really hoping they get a good base going in the metro area. I'd also love to hear what you guys think of it. Anyway, sorry again, and thanks for all the help you can give them. Oh, and if you're in the DC area, it would be incredible if you could check out one of their shows. They're playing two this weekend in Alexandria. Two nights in a row at two places on the same street. The details are on their shows page.