Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle!

Posted by: JeepBastard

Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 18:42

I am going to install two circle reflectors on the back of my jeep that are bulb backlit via switches from the dashboard. One circle will be a smiley face, and the other will be a frown. I figure, when someone lets me by or is nice, I will light up the smiley face, and when someone cuts me off or does something that I dont like, I would light up the frown.

Two questions:

1. Any suggestions on matierals to use? (thinking about using something from peterson for the circle reflectors

2. Would you kill a man for lighting up a frown face on the back of his car at you?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 18:46

I guess I'd check to see if it's legal in your state. I'm willing to bet it's illegal in Virginia, for instance, because everything is illegal here (don't tell the cops, I have neons inside my car ).

I'm also a bit confused as to how someone who cuts you off will be able to see the frown on the back of your car

But I like the idea. A smiley face would beat the usual little wave I give to kind people who let me over.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 19:13

The CarTalk people mentioned this recently.

They said the best thing would be if cars had tails like a dog. If you're happy or thankful, you could wag it. If you're sorry and want to apologize, you could make it curl downward, etc.
Posted by: sn00p

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 19:43

I vote for number 2, sure sounds to me like a quick way to an early grave to me!
Posted by: tman

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 20:41

If they cut you off, how you going to display the frown if it's on the back of your car?
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 23:18

Well when someone cuts you off, you usally can get back in front of them and then hit the frown It might require an empty lane, some lane shifting and some accelleration, but you can usually do it.

You can also hit the frown is they try to force their way into your lane and you get past them.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 23:32

I prefer an up-raised middle finger and a lot of curse words. Except in NJ where giving someone the finger is illegal (so I heard). In that situation I substitute honking for the finger.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 30/03/2005 23:55

Well when someone cuts you off, you usally can get back in front of them and then hit the frown

Well, yeah, sure -- if you're crazy and have a death wish.

With all the lunatics driving around out there these days, filled with road rage and carrying guns, I think the best course of action is to tell yourself, "Well, maybe he's got an emergency and is in a really big hurry or something" and wish him well, and stay as far away from him as possible.

Posted by: webroach

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 31/03/2005 03:06

The CarTalk people mentioned this recently.

They said the best thing would be if cars had tails like a dog. If you're happy or thankful, you could wag it. If you're sorry and want to apologize, you could make it curl downward, etc.

The reason they mentioned it is because they're already doing stuff like this in Japan.

Nothing new under the sun.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 31/03/2005 03:52

Except in NJ where giving someone the finger is illegal (so I heard).

Funny enough, that's where it's most needed...
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 31/03/2005 05:01

You can also hit the frown is they try to force their way into your lane and you get past them.

What, you want to say you don't slow down a bit and wave them with a generous "after you, sir" gesture into your lane !? Tsk-tsk!
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 31/03/2005 10:48

I would also hit them with the smile if they did a driving move that was awesome!
Some ridiculous three lane power shift combined with a hard deceleration to dodge an slow moving obstacle.
Posted by: furtive

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 31/03/2005 14:10

The CarTalk people mentioned this recently.

They said the best thing would be if cars had tails like a dog. If you're happy or thankful, you could wag it. If you're sorry and want to apologize, you could make it curl downward, etc.

There is a prototype Toyota that does just that
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 31/03/2005 15:38

The CarTalk people mentioned this recently.

They said the best thing would be if cars had tails like a dog. If you're happy or thankful, you could wag it. If you're sorry and want to apologize, you could make it curl downward, etc.

There is a prototype Toyota that does just that

Wow. Can it also lift one of its back tires and pee all over another driver's lane when you're mad at them? I'd buy that.
Posted by: mcomb

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 02/04/2005 23:40

I don't know, I think if your going to do this you need to take it one step farther and get one of those scrolling led boards. Put it in the back window and wire up half a dozen switches to scroll different phrases.

Posted by: tman

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 03/04/2005 00:26

Toyota "Personalization On Demand". It looks like the front end even changes colour to show mood...
Posted by: Daria

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 03/04/2005 06:18

I prefer an up-raised middle finger and a lot of curse words. Except in NJ where giving someone the finger is illegal (so I heard). In that situation I substitute honking for the finger.

I guess the First Amendment doesn't apply in Jersey. Um. Yay?
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 03/04/2005 22:40

tell yourself, "Well, maybe he's got an emergency and is in a really big hurry or something" and wish him well, and stay as far away from him as possible.

Such good, life saving, anti-roadraging advice; I really need to listen to that. But until I do, I'll have that Mack Truck 18-wheeler airhorn installed in my car so I can blast the ***holes that think it's ok to pass me on the shoulder when I'm already driving 75 (as happened this afternoon). Of course, it'll be on a toggle switch, so I can switch to regular-honk-mode for lesser idiots.

FireFox31, making NJ a better place to live, one roadraging incident at a time.
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 03/04/2005 23:32

Well i think the lights are passive. Air horns are embaressing and they destroy the quality of life for people who aren't involved in the situation.

A scrolling LED screen would be too tempting to put messages that could get you locked up or incite a fatal road rage incident.

A simple smile or frown seems to be the least impact and also would be a modification that no one would want to steal. (I.E> scrolling LED)
Posted by: muzza

Re: Smiley and Frown Faces on Vehicle! - 05/04/2005 19:47

Smiley face out back, paint ball gun up front