Ok, what is this and do I want to run it?

Posted by: jbauer

Ok, what is this and do I want to run it? - 09/05/2005 19:09

Ok, fellow geeks, what are your thoughts on this?


- Jon
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Ok, what is this and do I want to run it? - 09/05/2005 19:24

I've heard bad things about it.

link 1

link 2
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Ok, what is this and do I want to run it? - 09/05/2005 20:09

That sounds like an interesting idea but I don't think it's worth it pages load fast enough with pre-caching.
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: Ok, what is this and do I want to run it? - 09/05/2005 21:13

I personally hate caches. I use about ten web pages frequently, and when I go to them I want a fresh copy more than I want a fast copy. While I havn't use it, I doubt it would save that much time, especially considering my open-tab-in-background habbit.

The only time I'd really like something of the sort is when I'm on a god foresaken GPRS connection and would love a nice compression proxy to make things slightly less painful. Of course, this hasn't been an issue since tmobile cut off free gprs.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ok, what is this and do I want to run it? - 10/05/2005 12:53

I cannot come up with any reason for using it. Also, why are they reengineering the HTTP proxy? We already have those and they work fine. Even if they've designed a better-performing backend, there's just no reason to not use the proxy interface that's built into virtually every web browser.

But, again, why do I want all of my web traffic going through Google's servers? Virtually everyone that uses a proxy is forced to do so by company policy requiring all of their web traffic to be snooped, not by choice, with the rare exception of, basically, avoiding such a policy.