Firefly on Sci-Fi

Posted by: ricin

Firefly on Sci-Fi - 15/06/2005 00:46

For those of you who still haven't seen it (shame on you), Firefly will be airing on the Sci-Fi channel starting Friday, July 22 at 7pm ET.

They'll be airing ALL of the episodes, and hopefully in the correct order.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 15/06/2005 00:57

Also, don't forget to read the three comics after seeing the series, and before seeing the movie.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 15/06/2005 01:29

Cool! Go go Sci-Fi channel!

As neat as it is that they're going to be running the series, though, I have to emphasize that the DVD set is only 30 bucks, and is presented in gorgeous, sharp anamorphic widescreen. Looks fantastic on a high-def TV. Sci-Fi's signal quality hasn't been all that great on my DirecTV dish... overcompressed and fuzzy. Given the choice, I'd nab the DVDs in a heartbeat.

But for those who are on the fence, watch the two-hour pilot episode on Sci-Fi, fall in love with it, and run out and buy the DVD set so you can watch them all before Sci-Fi's run finishes.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 15/06/2005 01:45

Yes, definitely get the DVD set. You'll end up buying it anyway. It'll look better, you can watch it at your own pace (or all at once, like I have many times ); plus, it has extras.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 16/06/2005 00:12

Yes, definitely get the DVD set. You'll end up buying it anyway

Uhhh, yeah. What he said.

Of all the people to whom I have lent my DVD set, only one person did not go out and buy a set for themselves, and the people I know who have the DVDs watch them over and over again.

It isn't like they are so in-depth that each time I watch them I find things I missed the first time. It's just that they are so well done and so entertaining that, even though I know all the dialog and every scene by heart now, I enjoy re-experiencing the magic every time I see them.

Posted by: Robotic

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 06/09/2006 16:05

I saw the movie a while ago but haven't seen the series.
Just saw this post on SlashDot regarding another FireFly Marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel starting September 18th.
(Sorry to post links to links)
Don't know if I'll catch it or not- no PVR and the TV is off most of the time. Still, it would be fun to see a few episodes.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 06/09/2006 16:57

And if you get satellite high def, I heard one of the stations is going to be showing it later on this month, I think the 24th or the 28th, in high def.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Firefly on Sci-Fi - 06/09/2006 18:11

And if you get satellite high def, I heard one of the stations is going to be showing it later on this month, I think the 24th or the 28th, in high def.
