It's true, this board does know everything.

Posted by: Ezekiel

It's true, this board does know everything. - 01/09/2005 17:18

So I do a Google search for 'DIN 1805 nut nylon' looking for information on this obscure shaft nut and what's the first result?

unofficial empeg BBS: Subaru WRX install
jimhogan pooh-bah Posts: 1805, ... cutting the factory radio bezel since the 2-DIN Subaru unit has ... to the brackets with flat-head #6 bolts secured with nylock nuts. ... - 29k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Too funny.
Posted by: tahir

Re: It's true, this board does know everything. - 02/09/2005 09:31

Very true, unfortunately I'm only ever asking for advice

If anyone needs help growing fruit or veg, trees or whatever please don't hesitate to ask.... (struggling to think of anything else I could be useful on)
Posted by: Dignan

Re: It's true, this board does know everything. - 02/09/2005 14:43

Very true, unfortunately I'm only ever asking for advice

If anyone needs help growing fruit or veg, trees or whatever please don't hesitate to ask.... (struggling to think of anything else I could be useful on)

I know what you mean! I've always felt bad about that. There may have been a few instances where I've been able to answer a question, but that's the exception to the rule

I'm trying to think of an area where I'd be of some use...saxophone? I've played saxophone for...14 years? I could probably answer some questions about that. Oh, and "grunge" music. That's my specialty. I know all kinds of stuff about that... And maybe some stuff about making DVDs...


Well, thanks again to all you kind people who've helped me out over the years. I really hope I can get out to future meets and thank you all personally.
Posted by: Mataglap

empegbbs vs. google-fu - 02/09/2005 20:39

Alright folks, I need a hand.

First of all, I expect most of you remember -- for some value of remember -- this classic Dilbert:

There was another strip about the difference between S-Q-L and sequel, but my google-fu isn't up to the task. Anyone have a link for it?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: empegbbs vs. google-fu - 02/09/2005 21:46

I remember the one about "Unix" versus "Eunuchs"...
Posted by: Mataglap

Re: empegbbs vs. google-fu - 02/09/2005 21:55

"Here's a nickel sonny, go buy yourself a real computer."

That one?
Posted by: mlord

Re: empegbbs vs. google-fu - 03/09/2005 00:34

Beware the company nurse.
Posted by: mlord

Re: empegbbs vs. google-fu - 03/09/2005 00:40

And another condescending UNIX episode..
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: It's true, this board does know everything. - 03/09/2005 11:27

Perhaps someone can tell me how to fix my problem with Internet Explorer. While I rarely use it on a day-to-day basis, it is necessary to use it for web development, if only to fix all its issues with CSS.

My problem is this: I have my screen resolution set at 1920 x 1200. At such a resolution, IE takes it upon itself to resize the graphics, creating distortion and sometimes causing positioned elements to be out of place. This poses a real problem with development, as I can't trust the reliability of what I am seeing (which sounds funny, since I can't trust IE's reliability, anyway). I can't find any settings that would cause it to resize everything on its own.

Any help would be appreciated.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: It's true, this board does know everything. - 03/09/2005 11:35


Under your IE Options, advanced tab, there should be a checkbox for "enable automatic image resizing".
Posted by: adavidw

Re: It's true, this board does know everything. - 03/09/2005 15:55

I think that checkbox only affects when IE is displaying an image by itself (not inline on a page).

In a high dpi display (>=120dpi), IE can be set in the registry to automatically scale graphics to try to match the ratio that the fonts and other stuff are scaled up. It sounds like that's been turned on Cybjorg's computer. Check out the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UseHR entry in the registry and set it to 0 if it's currently set to 1. You may have to log out to get it to take effect, but when it does, it was display graphics using only the number of pixels that are in the actual graphic itself. The graphics will be tiny on you high dpi screen, but they won't have scaling artifacts at least.
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: It's true, this board does know everything. - 04/09/2005 02:09

Check out the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\UseHR entry in the registry and set it to 0 if it's currently set to 1. You may have to log out to get it to take effect, but when it does, it was display graphics using only the number of pixels that are in the actual graphic itself. The graphics will be tiny on you high dpi screen, but they won't have scaling artifacts at least.

Excellent. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.