Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO

Posted by: gbeer

Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 16/09/2005 22:24

Yep, it can be found there now. 2 min long.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 18/09/2005 22:34

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 19/09/2005 12:22

Is it just me, or is that trailer (and all the Serenity trailers) edited really poorly? Like all the "jokes" are cut a fraction of a second before the punch line finishes. ("This is your captain speaking. We might experience some turbulence and then explo--". Which might be fine if it cut to an explosion, but it doesn't.) And then other ones are kind of played for serious.

I mean, I know what to expect from Joss Whedon (and Firefly), but to those people unfamiliar, I can believe that these trailers are confusing and off-putting. Because they are to me.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 19/09/2005 13:50

Hey, at least they're trying to market the damn movie. Hopefully something good will come from this, although I have to say, I'm more excited to see the new Wallace & Gromit movie.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 19/09/2005 14:31

Is it just me, or is that trailer (and all the Serenity trailers) edited really poorly?

I've seen the TV spot that's essentially a cut-down version of the two-minute theatrical trailer, and I agree that it was overedited. However, the one on the DirecTV thingy was, as far as I could tell, the full theatrical trailer and I thought it was edited just fine. The timing of the jokes and such was great.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 19/09/2005 14:33

Hey, at least they're trying to market the damn movie.

I agree. The fact that it's showing up on the DirecTV boxes means someone is throwing money at it. This is a good thing.

I'm more excited to see the new Wallace & Gromit movie.

Well, me too, considering that I've already SEEN Serenity. (neener neener)
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 19/09/2005 15:07

...You can almost hear the angry mob, carrying pitchforks and firebrands now...
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Serenity trailer on DirecTIVO - 20/09/2005 05:16

...You can almost hear the angry mob, carrying pitchforks and firebrands now...

If the redneck snipers dont get im first.