
Posted by: pca

802.11a - 10/10/2005 12:45


I'm looking for a couple of low-cost 802.11a access points that can be bridged together, preferably with one of the so-called 'turbo' modes to give 108Mbps. It explicitly has to be 802.11a because I don't want it on 2.4GHz. I'm aware that the throughput of these things is only anywhere near the rated level when the things are practically in the same room, but in this application it shouldn't be a problem. Very short range, line of sight stuff only, with no obstructions.

I say what it was for, but then I'd have to shoot myself (as an obvious security risk) so I won't

Posted by: matthew_k

Re: 802.11a - 10/10/2005 15:35

I've got a netgear one I'm not using if you'd like it. I really did enjoy getting out of the 2.4ghz range, but unfortunatly the powerbook won't work with it and I've moved to a place where my router is the only one around. I'd be happy to cover five or ten bucks in shipping, I'll have to see how heavy the thing is.

By bridged together do you mean the standard "run ethernet between them" or a WDS kind of thing?

Posted by: pca

Re: 802.11a - 10/10/2005 18:46

I want to go in one end as ethernet and come out the other end as ethernet, with happy no-wires space between a and b. Most access points will allow this as far as I know, although persuading them to do it can be interestingly annoying.

Which model is the one you have? I would certainly be interested, thanks.

Posted by: caseyse

Re: 802.11a - 11/10/2005 00:30

I'm aware that the throughput of these things is only anywhere near the rated level when the things are practically in the same room, but in this application it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm also a big fan of 802.11a. Look for devices having Atheros' second generation chipset, as this corrected the performance issues (i.e., turbo mode). Most devices released over the past 24-30 months should have the new chipset. Add'l information: http://www.tomsnetworking.com/Sections-article46-page1.php

- Sean
Posted by: SuperQ

Re: 802.11a - 12/10/2005 00:47

I havn't found anything cheap, but I was just about to order up a pair of DWL-7100AP devices soon to link my apartment with a friend's.