Just how difficult is it to relocate the Documents and Settings folder

Posted by: gbeer

Just how difficult is it to relocate the Documents and Settings folder - 03/11/2005 01:52

to a drive other than c:\?
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Just how difficult is it to relocate the Documents and Settings fo - 03/11/2005 01:56

You can change that with tweakui.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Just how difficult is it to relocate the Documents and Settings fo - 03/11/2005 03:08

You're not confusing this with "My Documents" right? "Documents and Settings" is an entirely different beast which holds the My Docs folders for all users on the system as well as a number of other per user folders, like app support, etc. Microsoft has instructions on their site about how to relocate the entire Docs and settings. A numbe rof caveats and not as straight forwarrd as clicking a checkbox or button and/or moving a folder.

Posted by: msaeger

Re: Just how difficult is it to relocate the Documents and Settings fo - 03/11/2005 10:15

Yeah I was sorry that was dumb.
Posted by: Taym

Re: Just how difficult is it to relocate the Documents and Settings folder - 03/11/2005 10:26

0) Creater a new user, add it to the administrators group, logoff and logon with the new user.

1) Create a new folder to host the profiles. For example: G:\doc-and-settings

2) Copy all existing profiles from the %systemdrive%\Documents and Settings folder to the folder you just created.
Xcopy "c:\documents and settings" "G:\doc-and-settings" /S /E /V /C /G /H /R /K /O /X /Y

3) Launch regedit.exe, and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.
Double-click ProfilesDirectory. Enter the path to the new folder (G:\doc-and-serttings), and click OK.

4) In the same location of the registry, you will see there are a numbr of "subfolders". There's one for each local user. Click on each and modify the value of

5) Logoff, logon with any other admin user, and delete the admin user you created at 0).