Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host?

Posted by: Dylan

Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 27/11/2005 20:51

This is for a low volume, small static site. My only requirements are it's reliable, cheap and doesn't have ads. It'll probably only get a few hundred hits a month. I'd just host it at home if my ISP didn't block port 80.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 27/11/2005 21:05

E-Rice is often mentioned when cheap hosting is brought-up on other forums. There is also Ripple Host which some people here use.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 27/11/2005 21:08 is fairly cheap as well.

EDIT: Also, has very good support in my experience. It used to be terribile, but then they were bought out. And now there´s always support personnel that you can chat with live, or at least there was the two or three times that I´ve needed some help.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 27/11/2005 21:46

I'm very happy with Dreamhost. I was with Ripplehost last year and didn't really like their interface (CPanel) nor their support. Plus, there was more downtime than I was expecting. The lack of shell access was also limiting.

Dreamhost has ssh access, AFP support (so I can mount my hosted disk volume locally on my Powerbook) and more bandwidth and disk space than I know what to do with. Their base price is more than some (something like $9.99/mo) but I signed up with coupon code 777 and it was only $9.24 for the entire year ($0.77/month.) If this deal is still active, you'd be crazy not to give them a try. Support so far has been fantastic, and I haven't had any major outages or downtime since I signed up.

Here's their plan comparison, the "Crazy Domain Insane" plan is the affordable one that has almost any feature you can think of.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 27/11/2005 21:58

Wow, that is insane.
Posted by: Ladmo

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 27/11/2005 22:02

I've been using GoDaddy for 5 years as my domain registar, and as my web hosting for 2 years or so. Been very happy. Great support, and I don't need much so it's cheap, but can be full blown if the need should arise!
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 28/11/2005 00:24

Not really impressed with Dreamhost's offerings for low bandwidth.

ICDSOFT - $60 per year for your first domain, $40 for additional domains or additional years. That's $5 per month and $3.33 per month for the division impaired. I've been with these guys for a few years with a few domains. Very reliable and very responsive customer service.

Then there's a more recent place with whom I set up a couple of domains for others. ResllerPanel $40 for the year with some pretty sweet features/limits. I don't have any experience with their customer service department.

Posted by: Dylan

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 28/11/2005 12:21

Thank you for all the suggestions. I didn't realize web hosting had gotten so cheap. I went with Dreamhost. Being able to mount the drive locally on my wife's Mac will hopefully mean she can manage it herself.

Coupon 777 no longer works but FALLCOUPON brings the yearly price down to about $24.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 28/11/2005 12:55

Yeah, $24/year is still pretty darn good for all you get with their base package. I think it comes with one free domain registration too, which I haven't needed yet, but it's nice to know it's there. They're now an ICANN-accredited registrar, so they don't have to go through any 3rd party, which may convince me to move my domains there when they expire (assuming my happiness with their hosting service continues.)

One thing I should mention, the AFP support is rather unofficial, as in I'd be surprised if you found it listed in their knowledge base, etc. But it works, and on the support forums, they've indicated they have no intentions of dropping it. You just mount the share with the following URL:

afp://username:[email protected]/Home%20Directory

The share password goes over The Big, Bad Internet in plain text, so I wrap my AFP share in an SSH tunnel.
Posted by: Dylan

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 28/11/2005 18:39

One thing I should mention, the AFP support is rather unofficial, as in I'd be surprised if you found it listed in their knowledge base, etc. But it works, and on the support forums, they've indicated they have no intentions of dropping it. You just mount the share with the following URL:

<a href="afp://username:[email protected]/Home%20Directory" target="_blank">afp://username:[email protected]/Home%20Directory</a>

The share password goes over The Big, Bad Internet in plain text, so I wrap my AFP share in an SSH tunnel.

Thank you! You're better then their tech support. I was trying to set up WebDAV and it can't be done for the root of the website. I told the tech support guy that I was trying to set this up so I could mount the web site root locally on a Mac and he told me there was no way to do that. Now I've got afp working from your instructions.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Suggestions for a cheap, low volume web host? - 28/11/2005 18:41

Yeah, webdav for the root of your share / website is generally a bad idea because the ownership of the whole thing changes to the apache user, so you can no longer edit it via the shell, or even ftp. While that may be okay for casual users, the idea of my own userid not having any permissions on my own home directory gives me the heebie-jeebies.