Google Analytics

Posted by: Taym

Google Analytics - 10/01/2006 23:23

Does anybody use it? What o you think? And does anybody have an invitation? I'd really like to test it, and I'd appreciate if anybody could help

Thank you in advance!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Google Analytics - 11/01/2006 00:02

This very BBS was using it recently. It was causing page loads to freeze for me.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Google Analytics - 11/01/2006 03:17

The BBS is still using it. Every once in a great while it causes a second or two delay for me, but most of the time, I don't even notice it. I've not seen the reporting side of it, but I'd be interested to.
Posted by: drakino

Re: Google Analytics - 11/01/2006 07:08

Oops, forgot to pull the code off the front redirect page. It's gone there too now, as they still never got any valid data from here.

I do have it working though on my single HTML page for my program. PM me your GMail account name, and I can grant you access to the reports for it. That way you can at least get a feel for how it looks. I'm not seeing a way to send an invite to make your own account though.
Posted by: Taym

Re: Google Analytics - 11/01/2006 14:19

Thank you Drakino! You have PM
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Google Analytics - 11/01/2006 21:54

I'm debating if it's worth having all my Webtrends tags switched to Google. Sure, that's $2k less per year for web stats, and I'm not in love with some Webtrends features. But do I really want to spend that effort and chance for human error when I already have a system? Not sure...
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Google Analytics - 24/08/2006 05:46

Warning: Old thread

Though my comments would be as valid in this older thread as in a new one. I've been using Google Analytics for about a month. Started just before it went public (if you had an Adwords account it seemed to allow you to start using Analytics early).

As most people know this is the product of Google's acquisition of Urchin. It tracks quite a bit of stuff and has some pretty graphs and a single-page interface using a nav on the left side. I was impressed at first but then the novelty started to wear off.

Stats are all delayed at least 3 hours. I'm not one for old news.

The origanization of the different features is not bad, BUT there are just so many things to click on that it becomes a huge pain to find the information you want.

So many of the stats are supplied in only a percentage, instead of raw number. Both should be there to make things sensible.

I gave it the thumbs down about two weeks ago and have used the time since as a cooling period to see if I'd change my mind. I haven't. Tonight I installed Mint which I spotted earlier this year and have been looking more closely at since starting up with Google. Installation was a breeze and I really like the implementation. Adding plugins (called 'Pepper') is also straight-forward. I'm just missing one thing and that's goal tracking.

Anyway, Analytics was the second Google platform that failed to impress in the past month. Adwords was the other (what a scam) but that's a story for another time.

For me Google is still search and that's about it.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Google Analytics - 24/08/2006 14:31

Far too often, I've seen a page load freeze up with "contacting" in the status bar. Page never loads, google analytics doesn't respond.

My hosts file now has ""

Problem solved.