Battlestar Galactica, Season 3 (*spoilers*)

Posted by: DWallach

Battlestar Galactica, Season 3 (*spoilers*) - 09/10/2006 03:55

You've been warned. This is the thread for discussion of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica.

I just got done watching the premier, and I also watched the "webisodes" beforehand. The webisodes give a modest amount of useful background, but it's safe to say you can watch the premier without having seen them.

What amazes me is how well they're borrowing elements from the present conflicts in the Middle East, yet still making it their own. We've got the suicide bomber issue. The old issue with "who are the Cylons" is now "who are the turncoat humans?" We've got the stunning issue with Starbuck's alleged daughter and the four months she's spent being brainwashed. No matter how you slice it, the sheer complexity of the situation and the intensity of the characters is well beyond anything else on television. Amazing.

(I'll give an honorable mention to the season premier for Southpark and their beautiful machinima...)