Mac OSX Firefox Spell Check

Posted by: tfabris

Mac OSX Firefox Spell Check - 11/10/2006 19:45

I'm sure I've asked this and been answered here before, but I can't find it with a search.

On Mac OS X, there is a universal spell checker that will do the red squiggly underline in any text box.

This seems to be prevented or disabled under firefox. How do I enable it to work within firefox?
Posted by: drakino

Re: Mac OSX Firefox Spell Check - 11/10/2006 20:27

The system level spellchecker only works with Cocoa applications and Firefox is not currently a Cocoa app. However, is a blog of a dev working on it, along with some nightly builds.

Though, I'm more excited about Safari 3, for 3 big reasons.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mac OSX Firefox Spell Check - 11/10/2006 20:39

Thanks. Hm, of those three, I most like the idea of the resizeable textarea window. That's nice.

There's a few Firefox extensions I've come to depend upon, though. I think the whole concept of firefox extensions, and the community of support that's grown up around them, are its biggest selling point to me.