Free backup software.

Posted by: JBjorgen

Free backup software. - 09/12/2006 19:06

Can anyone recommend any free or cheap backup software for Windows XP? Needs to be capable of writing to a DVD-RW and doing incremental backups.

Posted by: robricc

Re: Free backup software. - 10/12/2006 01:39

We actually use Nero BackItUp at the office and it's simple and cheap (comes with Nero Premium).

We backup the entire data set to a DVD-R every day and shred the old ones every few months. It says it can do incremental backups also...
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Free backup software. - 10/12/2006 12:20

Ah...thanks Rob! I actually have a copy of that and I didn't think of it. I'll give that a try.

Anyone else?
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Free backup software. - 11/12/2006 04:46

Can anyone recommend any free or cheap backup software for Windows XP?

The chief engineer at the radio station where I work is very impressed and pleased with Karen's Replicator. It is freeware, powerful but without being overwhelmed by silly bells and whistles.

He is also engineer at one of the TV stations, and is responsible for backing up literally terrabytes of data on a relatively complex network.

I've played with it a little bit but haven't used it myself.

Posted by: furtive

Re: Free backup software. - 11/12/2006 11:44

I use Handybackup ( which works really well.
Posted by: andym

Re: Free backup software. - 11/12/2006 13:40

He is also engineer at one of the TV stations, and is responsible for backing up literally terrabytes of data on a relatively complex network.

I would love to know how he manages that! I've got over 7 terabytes currently and the only backups we have are the original video tapes they came on. I've given up trying find a solution that doesn't require effectively buying a duplicate of what we already on a different site.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Free backup software. - 11/12/2006 14:36

I use Handybackup ( which works really well.

Looks good, but the demo I tried only does CDs, not DVDs. Bummer.

I like the idea of the Outlook plugin. I may HandyBackup on the workstations and Nero BackItUp on the "server" (which is just another WinXP box on the network).
Posted by: furtive

Re: Free backup software. - 11/12/2006 14:47

Hmm, it's a bit odd doesn't do DVD's but does.

Having bought it from and being promised lifetime backups they seem to have stopped development at v4, but then relaunched as with version 5, thus screwing previous customers out of free upgrades
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Free backup software. - 11/12/2006 15:06

From the website:
Please note:
2. Registered users of Handy Backup 4.1-5.x can update to Handy Backup 5.4 for free by downloading, installing and registering it with their registration numbers.
3. If you are a registered user of Handy Backup 3.x or 4.0 you can buy an update to your serial number to Handy Backup 5.4 here for only $10. After updating you'll be able to register Handy Backup 5.4 with the same number.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Free backup software. - 12/12/2006 01:26

I would love to know how he manages that!

With large-capacity dedicated external USB drives.

The data he backs up is not "mission critical", that is, the company wouldn't go broke if some piece or other of it for whatever reason (backup drive failure?) couldn't be recovered. It would just mean that someone would have to re-edit a TV commercial or something. Thus, a sophisticated, expensive, high-reliability system is not required.

Not all of the data is backed up daily; he rotates through the data, probably gets it all at least once a week.
