
Posted by: blitz

samba - 13/01/2007 15:15

After some trials, I got Fedora 5 up and running and recognizing my RAID. I edited the smb.conf file to share a folder in my Windows workgroup called "workgroup". The folder on the linux machine (as a test) is /etc/video. I couldn't see the share on the Windows machine so I poked around a little bit and installed the GUI smb configuration tool. Once I had that installed, the smb service added to the workgroup LOCALHOST. The properties show the location to be "smb://workgroup". When I try to browse the LOCALHOST from the linux machine, it shows "the folder contents could not be displayed."

What am I doing wrong? I can browse the Windows machine through smb. I just cannot see, access or browse the linux machine. I have read/write permissions set. I have also selected visible.
Posted by: lectric

Re: samba - 13/01/2007 20:11

Maybe attach the smb.conf file so we can take a peek. Or at least the header info and relevant share.
Posted by: blitz

Re: samba - 13/01/2007 21:23

Here's the smb.conf file. I've tried commenting out everything in the global portion except for the workgroup line.
Posted by: blitz

Re: samba - 13/01/2007 21:25

Here's a screen cap of the network window. "Rhonda" is the windows xp machine. the LocalHost appears to be the linux box. That shows up on the XP box as well.
Posted by: TigerJimmy

Re: samba - 14/01/2007 01:03

Try restarting the smbd and nmbd daemons on the server (just use kill -HUP), or restart them using the web configuration tool. After you make changes to smb.conf, you need to invoke those changes by restarting the samba server. Everything looks fine on the configuration file for this simple test.
Posted by: lectric

Re: samba - 14/01/2007 13:44

Did you user smbadduser username:group?
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers could be your gotcha. When I first started, I didn't realize tha there was a separate userlist for samba other than actual login accounts.
Posted by: TigerJimmy

Re: samba - 14/01/2007 17:25

Since he's allowing guest users, that shouldn't be it. Ah! On the other hand, the guest account (by default) maps to a real machine account called "nobody". If you don't have a nobody account, this could indeed be the problem. Make sure you have a "nobody" account on your system. The alternative is to add the line

guest account = accountname

to your smb.conf file and make sure that the guest logins point to an existing account.
Posted by: blitz

Re: samba - 14/01/2007 22:37

Fedora crapped out. I downloaded all the updates and it would not boot. Reinstalled Ubuntu and somehow got the Samba working. I think it was the username and password add that made it work. Still messing with it. Ubuntu is pretty slick.

Thanks for your help.