Posted by: Phoenix42

WMIC - 17/01/2007 17:02

Can anyone recommend a good book covering WMIC?

Need to learn how to do some automation of some Windows administration task for the command line, but can't seem to get my head around MS's documentation.

Interesting, new Firefox has spell checking built in.
Posted by: rubennyc

Re: WMIC - 17/01/2007 22:29

If you're going to learn something new, you might as well start with PowerShell. Theoretically, there's nothing WMIC can do that PowerShell can't do better. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/technologies/management/powershell/default.mspx

Granted I'm no developer by any means, but I only use WMIC for very basic stuff like "wmic product get name,version" .