PC remote software?

Posted by: BartDG

PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 17:52

Hi all,

I've got a question for you, but let me explain the situation first. A few weeks ago I sold three family members a PC. The thing I didn't realize at that time however was, the fact that these people are idiots. AND the fact that they would keep calling me for the most stupid problems, and even expect me to drive over there (150 km!) every so-many days to help them out with their problems. The infuriating part, is that these problems are usually extremely simple to solve (a few clicks of the mouse), and if you ask them on the phone just what they've done, the answer is always: nothing.

This is maddening! So I want to do this another way. I'd like to install some remote access software onto their PC's so that I can take over their PC from my home. I tried the XP built-in solution of 'remote help', but that doesn't seem to work. I keep getting the errors, and a connection is never established. My guess is this built in solution is probably no good, so I'd like to try something else. The first thing that came to mind was PC Anywhere, but this is a commercial package, *and* it's software by Symantec, with which I have had bad experiences with in the past...

So my question is: which software can do this good, clean and simple? Preferably free software, but this isn't required. I'm more than willing to pay a fair amount if the software is good.

Well, at the very least I've learned one big important lesson: never sell PC's to family members. The think they bought your valuable free time with it, and expect nothing less than support at any time of the say, preferably on-site.
Posted by: spider

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 17:55

Posted by: robricc

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 17:59


Seconded. I have VNC (I use RealVNC) running on every machine I have to support.

EDIT: Making a note that I use the "Free Edition." I have also tried TightVNC (free) which has similar features to RealVNC's Personal Edition, but it was a little laggy.
Posted by: BartDG

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:07

Cheers guys! I'll give that one a try!
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:14

I've been using RealVNC as well for quite some time. It's great. Recently I decided to give UltraVNC a try. So far, it's working without any bugs. It's compatible with RealVNC, but if you are running UltraVNC on both ends of the connection, you can do some additional things like file transfer, chat and a video driver to increase speed and decrease CPU usage. I haven't tested out the file transfer or some of the other additional features though, because I haven't gotten to use it with a client that's also running it yet. Just thought I'd throw it out there for consideration though.

To get the port forwarding working through their router, just forward TCP port 5900 through to their workstation and you're done.

Alternatively, you can forward TCP port 5500 through your router and run the vnc listening viewer. Then have them add you as a client and you're connected without having to touch their router/firewall (although you still have to get them to type your hostname or ip address correctly).
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:16

One I have used is UltraVNC SC ("single click"), now renamed "PCHelpware":


The advantage is that it doesn't run in the background and the user just runs the executable to initiate the connection outbound to the VNC listener on your machine (ie. no port forwarding needed).
Posted by: BartDG

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:29

Very nice! That last option is probably all I will need, but on the other hand, I must admit the extra options of UltraVNC also look very good. Am I correct in assuming UltraVNC is 'DonationWare'?
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:33

It's GPL, so it's free in every sense of the word. They do have a donation link on their website if you feel like donating, but it's completely optional.
Posted by: BartDG

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:36

Posted by: Eypeon

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:45

I would definitely go with using RealVNC, I have a friend who has used it and hasn't had problems, not to mention it's free. It lacks a bit in terms of professional features, but if you're using it for personal usage then it should be fine.

Posted by: Attack

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 18:53

I use remote desktop for my personal machines, TightVNC for machines in the office and Go to Meeting for training clients on using our software.
Posted by: andym

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 20:14

Apart from some older machines running RealVNC, we now use UltraVNC on every workstation and server at work. Link compression and encryption are particularly useful, RealVNC didn't support them at the time.
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: PC remote software? - 21/02/2007 20:28

Here's another vote for RealVNC!

If their routers support dynamic DNS (e.g. www.dyndns.org), you should definitely consider using that rather than painstakingly talking them through getting their 'real world' IP address.
Posted by: Roger

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 06:57

There's always Fog Creek Copilot.


Disclaimer: I've never tried it.
Posted by: andy

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 07:33

There's always Fog Creek Copilot.


Disclaimer: I've never tried it.

I have and I highly recommend it if you have to support a remote machine that you haven't already installed vnc or something similar on. It works even in the most restrictive of network situations. Both ends can be firewalled and natted and it still works (it uses port 80 and http proxies if needed, to talk to a central server).

For the person you are helping out the "install" is extremely easy, as there is no install as such, just a download of a single exe.

Copilot uses the vnc codebase, so performance is similar (unless both ends end up using an http proxy of course)...
Posted by: BartDG

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 11:51


If their routers support dynamic DNS (e.g. www.dyndns.org), you should definitely consider using that rather than painstakingly talking them through getting their 'real world' IP address.

Good point! I'll have a look at that as well!
Posted by: BartDG

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 11:52

Wow, I never expected to have so many options! Thanks a lot guys!
Posted by: lectric

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 13:51

painstakingly talking them through getting their 'real world' IP address.

That bit's easy. Just have them go to www.ipchicken.com. Then have em read you the big blue numbers.
Posted by: andy

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 14:35


That bit's easy. Just have them go to www.ipchicken.com. Then have em read you the big blue numbers.

Which works fine until they are using an ISP that uses a transparent http proxy.
Posted by: lectric

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 14:51

ISP's still USE that? How awful.
Posted by: andy

Re: PC remote software? - 22/02/2007 15:23

I'm pretty sure that ntl-ntl/Telewest-Virgin Media and Freeserve-Wanadoo-Orange in the UK both still use them.
Posted by: BartDG

Re: PC remote software? - 27/02/2007 20:52

Just reviving this thread to say a public 'thank you' to Jonathan (JBjorgen ).
I had a bit of trouble getting UltraVNC to run, but thanks to him it all worked out in the end.

So.... Thank you John!!!