RAM upgrade, hardware guru needed!

Posted by: geeknerd

RAM upgrade, hardware guru needed! - 23/07/2007 14:46

Hi guys. I'm in process of upgrading my Rio central to 32M. I have compatible RAM soldered onto the two extra stock pads. Then I noticed that the existing ram had an additional 7 capacitors per chip on the board, while the where I soldered the new chips had empty pads for the caps.

Does anyone know what type of capacitors are required for this? The RAM chips were donated from an old linksys router, can I assume that the caps from the linksys router can be transplanted to the rio? I could trace the capacitor pads to RAM pins on the Central, then trace the corresponding pin on the Linksys to the corresponding cap, then transplant over. Would that work?

What does everyone think?

I have a picture of the RAM and the empty capacitor pads in another thread. They are hard to see, but if you look closely, the pads on the left have yellow caps, and the ones on the right are empty.


Sorry for posting "on topic" in the "off topics" thread, we don't see much traffic in the Central forum at the bottom of the page.