Gis a job mate

Posted by: rob

Gis a job mate - 13/02/2009 20:35

As I've been out of work for a little while I thought I'd mention this fact in case any of you happen to need an engineering manager or possibly a product manager/designer. I'd appreciate a nudge if so, as I might otherwise get way too comfortable with staying home and hacking on Linux all day.


Posted by: mlord

Re: Gis a job mate - 13/02/2009 20:42

Originally Posted By: rob
.. might otherwise get way too comfortable with staying home and hacking on Linux all day.

It's not such a bad way to be idle.. smile

Best wishes, Rob.
Posted by: Cris

Re: Gis a job mate - 13/02/2009 21:37

Yes that comfortable feeling is all too familiar.

I have been out of work myself for almost 6 months, of my own making I should add. So far I think I have read every book on Photography know to man and manage to avoid all daytime TV apart from Bargain Hunt which I rather strangely enjoy.

Good luck with the job hunt. It's not an easy place to find work at the moment, or at least that's my experience so far. I went down to the job centre the other day for an appointment, apparently this is something I should have done 6 months ago. I like to think the sort of person who works there is the product of the postmaster at the local post office and the nosey receptionist at the doctors having an affair. I actually watched the woman I was waiting to see sorting elastic bands for 20 minutes before calling me over and acting like I was the one who was late. Very annoying.


Posted by: julf

Re: Gis a job mate - 14/02/2009 07:29

Ouch! Sorry to hear! Guess that explains why the Numark forum never reopened.... frown

Do you have a CV you could send me privately? I am involved in a couple of not-quite-startups-anymore, and one of them just had to fire their senior product manager, and are thinking about a replacement - but I guess you would prefer something around Cambridge?