HD Pocket Video Suggestions

Posted by: russmeister

HD Pocket Video Suggestions - 20/07/2010 01:43

I'm looking for a HD camcorder of the pocket variety. I've seen the Flip & Kodak versions but I'm torn between what to actually get. I don't really have a lot of preference other than it works nicely with a Mac.

I'll be using the video for 2 things: Chasing my daughter around, who is only 10 weeks at present time but I know it will come in handy as she grows. And second, viewing my golf swing.

I'm not much of a research buff and I know there are quite a few things you guys here typically get in your hands. If anyone has some suggestions please send them my way!
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: HD Pocket Video Suggestions - 20/07/2010 03:34

Hmm... If you're not set on the form factor, then a P&S Canon Elph is probably better and more versatile. The new iPhone should also do pretty well if you're otherwise in the market for such a device. Chances are that the new iPod touch (September) will also do HD video.

Video of a newborn isn't that exciting. Been there and done that almost a year ago. Take plenty of high quality still photos though. I'm just now starting to shoot a bit more video and my daughter is just two days over 11 months. Once they start to get more active is when you'll want some moving pictures. IMO, if something coming out within 2 or 3 months interests you, it might be worth the wait.
Posted by: pedrohoon

Re: HD Pocket Video Suggestions - 07/08/2010 09:53

I have the Kodak Zx1, and overall I am happy with it for the price (<$250AU back in 2009, cheaper now). It comes with two rechargeable AA batteries (low self discharge AFAIK) and a basic charger.

Its main attraction to me is that it is pocketable, rugged and dustproof/splash resistant. The batteries last for around 2hrs of HD recording.

I don't really have a lot of preference other than it works nicely with a Mac.

Files are in .mov format and import into iMovie with no problems.

The outside front of the Zx1 has a very thin 'rubbery feel' coating which allows good grip and the camera is easy to operate one-handed. Startup time is just over 1 second.

Its biggest problem to me is the lack of Image stabilisation. If you are simply holding the unit still and videoing a moving subject such as you would do with a golf swing, the quality is OK, but as soon as you move (even walking) like following your daughter around, the video becomes shaky, and forget about mounting it in a vehicle (which is one thing I wanted to do). It does have a tripod mount threaded socket (1/4" Whitworth bolt fits perfectly).

Some more recent magazine comparisons rate the JVC Picsio GC-FM1 as being the best of these kind of video cameras, so maybe check that out too.

Posted by: frog51

Re: HD Pocket Video Suggestions - 08/08/2010 19:35

Go for one of the HD Hero cameras - my brother attaches his to his helmet or his board when kite surfing, or to his handlebars when cycling. Just a tiny bit bigger than a matchbox, and full HD video - really good kit!
Posted by: pedrohoon

Re: HD Pocket Video Suggestions - 08/08/2010 23:50

How is the Image Stabilisation on them, ISTR I looked at their website and nothing specific was mentioned.
Posted by: frog51

Re: HD Pocket Video Suggestions - 09/08/2010 14:33

From viewing the awesome footage, I guess it must be quite good, as his stuff looks sharp and lovely. I have no facts or figures to back this up though.