Anyone want beer tokens? (website help)

Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Anyone want beer tokens? (website help) - 11/09/2010 15:14

Hello all,

I am making a website for people to go to get information about my wedding next August. I have made it all and it works ok but... I have a form and a guestbook that sit on their own pages and I'd like these integrated into the main pages.

Any takers? I'm sure it would take someone 10 minutes if I gave you my login details. I'd very much appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

Posted by: tman

Re: Anyone want beer tokens? (website help) - 11/09/2010 15:24

Put it all into a frame then you can just include it into any of your pages without hassle.

What is the guestbook and rest of your site written in anyway?
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: Anyone want beer tokens? (website help) - 11/09/2010 15:32

Trevor, its at

No frames - I just used a template online and adapted it.

Guestbook installs from my cpanel, its not using mysql. Not sure about the form, I'm a complete noob at this :-)

I want to adapt the form thats here: and put it into the 'contact us' where that other one is.
Posted by: tman

Re: Anyone want beer tokens? (website help) - 11/09/2010 15:43

Oh okay. I see what you want. It should be fairly easy to do. You need to edit that index.cgi file so it fits into your template and replace the contact-us.htm file with it. You'll also need to alter all the links to the contact us page from all the other pages though.