Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances

Posted by: Redrum

Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 22/02/2012 16:53

Seems all I see on the news and from the candidates is mud slinging or quotes where they “misspeak.”

Does anyone have a recommendation on an unbiased website where I can find out how the candidates stand on issues? A nice comparison chart would be good.

I don’t follow politics as close as I probably should.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 22/02/2012 16:57

This is pretty good:

It's *really* hard to nail them down on issue positions during the primary season, though, precisely because of the negative attacks and walk-backs of previous statements. Peoople have basically given up on expecting candidates to run honest campaigns during the primaries -- they know their candidate is going to have to soften their message to reach independents in the general -- so there's almost no interest from voters or the media in nailing them down on issues. It's kind of sad.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 00:11

Posted by: Redrum

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 12:08

Quite the fancy website. Looks to me like all the republicans have about the same stance on these issues. I think by the time the primaries hit my state the front runner will be set anyway. It would be nice if the primary elections for all states occurred on the same day. I think that would also help to keep the candidates from trying to slam down the frontrunner of the moment. I have always been amazed how the candidates can tear each other up during the primaries but then be all “buddy buddy” when it’s over. I guess I hold grudges too long. I suppose I just need to realize they are all just actors playing their parts and not real live people.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 13:15

I would say that the major differences are:

Romney and Gingrich are both plutocrats, though Gingrich is more tempered by some populism. Basically, they seem to want to aggregate more money in the already-rich and in corporations.

Santorum is a theocrat. He wants to legislate his personal moral and ethical code.

Paul is a Libertarian with a few socially conservative planks. By and large, he wants the federal government to legislate, enforce, and, in general, do as little as possible.

That's really all of them that have any vague possibility of winning.

Obviously, these are based in part on my opinions. That said, the basic facts should be accurate, even if the way I present them is different from how others might.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 13:42

That was kind of my take on the candidates as well. I never knew much about Santorum since I never thought he’d get very far.

The Vote Easy website says I’m more like Paul. That makes me a bit concerned because I’ve been under the impression he was a bit nuts in a Ross Perot sort of way. Maybe I am too.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 16:17

I could not agree more about the distortions caused by the ridiculously long and haphazardly-staggered primary calendar. In a sane world, Rick Santorum would never be able to become the GOP frontrunner, but with a primary calendar front-loaded with states having a high percentage of "family values" voters, he's managed to do so. By the time the primaries come to states that would vote on something other than abortion, it might be too late. (Of course, since he'll be by far the weakest candidate in the general election, I'm rather enjoying the spectacle of it all, and if he does end up being the nominee, it makes Obama's re-election campaign a lot easier.)

My ideal primary setup (leaving aside dreams of breaking the two party system) is a national primary week. All 50 states, and a full week long to maximize turnout. None of this up, down, stuff with 20+ debates. You get a handful of debates to make your case to the nation, then the states all vote, and you have a nominee. Of course something like that would probably require a constituional amendment to enforce, so it won't happen, but the way things are now horribly distort the process to the point of absurdity. (Really? Newt Gingrich???)
Posted by: Redrum

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 16:35

Originally Posted By: tonyc
Of course something like that would probably require a constituional amendment to enforce, so it won't happen, but the way things are now horribly distort the process to the point of absurdity. (Really? Newt Gingrich???)

Yes, anything would be an improvement IMO. I would think (maybe I'm wrong) the parties can select a candidate using whatever method they choose. However being the Grand Old Party I doubt the republicans would even consider changing, Maybe in the 1800's this one state a time thing was OK due to the lack of speedy commutations but today that is not an issue.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: Recommendation Republican Candidate Stances - 23/02/2012 16:55

Originally Posted By: tonyc
(Really? Newt Gingrich???)

His arrogant attitude and smirk just remind me of a used car salesman. I know that’s superficial but most Americans are. He really needs to brush-up on his acting skills.