Cloud Print

Posted by: Dignan

Cloud Print - 11/11/2013 17:35

I'm hoping someone here knows something about Google Cloud Print, because I think I've run into a wall with a specific situation.

I'm helping out a tutoring company, and they've just received a mandate that they need to start supporting Chromebooks. This means having Chromebooks on hand and letting kids bring theirs in (one school system around here uses Chromebooks extensively). These kids will have to sign into the company Chromebooks with either their own account or a company account. I'm assuming much of this because the central office passing down this mandate hasn't given much info.

Now, if this were limited to in-house Chromebooks using a company account, setting up a printer would be simple. But as soon as you're talking about outside devices and accounts, it's a nightmare. Even if you could be bothered to spend time granting print access to every single kid that comes through the doors of this tutoring company, the thought of letting children print to this printer from wherever they are is absurd. The company will be out of paper in a day.

So does anyone know if there's a way to apply limitations to Cloud Print? I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to print from a Chromebook to a network printer, but only if you're in the network.
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Cloud Print - 11/11/2013 18:05
Not quiet what you want, but maybe in that area there are additional controls?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Cloud Print - 11/11/2013 19:02

Bravo! From everything I've seen, that's as good as I'm going to get with this situation. It's not a very elegant solution, but I'll have to live with it for now. Google needs to figure out a solution for this, because I can't imagine my situation is unique...