All Your Links Are Belong To Us

Posted by: tonyc

All Your Links Are Belong To Us - 11/02/2002 11:00

British Telecom wants to tax every hyperlink on the Internet. Story

This is actually a bit of old news (it might have even been discussed in this forum) but it's relevant because the lawsuit opened today in New York. I just love this crap. The fact that BT has the brazen gall to seriously pursue this line of litigation is quite astonishing. I normally associate this kind of frivolous lawsuit with Americans, but it seems it's not unique to the U.S.

My favorite quote from the article comes from the BT chairman:

"If the court decides in our favour then that will be nice. If it doesn't that won't be so nice."

If that isn't a British statement, I don't know what is.

In any event, if this doesn't get thrown out within hours, I will be shocked.