
Posted by: jheathco

Radioshack - 23/03/2002 11:12

Anyone know how this place avoids going bankrupt? Everytime I go in one of them, they've got about 5 people working at a time and maybe 1-2 customers who buy crimps for a buck 49. I think they must be into drug trafficing or something and Radioshack is just a coverup...
Posted by: loren

Re: Radioshack - 23/03/2002 11:47

They must do a brisk business in RC cars... it seems every one i go too has the floor COVERED in stacks and stacks of RC cars of every sort. Anyone else notice this?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Radioshack - 23/03/2002 12:39

Funny, I get the exact opposite in my two local radio shacks.

There's always only one or two employees, and they are always both busy signing up somebody for cellular telephone service (which takes like a fricking HOUR during which time they completely ignore all the other customers who just wanna buy a 49 cent capacitor and get the hell out of there).

The cellular telephone stuff carries some pretty good kickbacks and commisions to the store and the employee, so that's where they've been making their money these days. Same with the little-dish satellite services they sell.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Radioshack - 23/03/2002 12:44

At least your Radio Shack has caps! I went into one a few hours ago looking for a DB25 female connector and a couple of 10uf caps. Nothing. I had to drive to a dedicated electronics place. Pain in the ass to have to drive there, but I ended up paying $5 total instead of $10-15 (guessing).

2 employees and I was the only customer in the store. I was wondering about that and thought about posting the same thing. Neat coincidence that someone else created this thread today.
