a little advice needed on a PDA

Posted by: LaneStar

a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 09:15

I am shopping for a PDA and need it just for simple things IE: phone #'s, addresses, financial tracking ect. Any advice would be great, this will be my first dive into the PDA market. -LaneStar-
Posted by: Dj_Ron

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 09:32

If money is not an issue I would look into getting an IPAQ. This is probably more than you'll ever need, but it is the most expandable windows pocket pc in the market today. The latest models out today are the 3870 and 3850. Compaq is also coming out with the 3830 in a couple of months that has less RAM, for a hundred bucks less.

It might be worthwhile for you to know what is the best stuff out there, before cutting out what you really don't need. It has Bluetooth capability, the ability to do video conferencing, check email, surf the internet, voice intereactive mapping software (Travroute), and much more...besides already doing all the stuff you said you wanted.

Posted by: tman

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 09:41

I'd say get the one with the most memory you can afford. You WILL find something to use it up I guarantee. Adding more memory to the iPAQ is quite expensive since it's all soldered onto the board. And adding expansion packs make it quite bulky.

I've got a 3630 and I think it's great. The battery is dead though because I forgot to flick the little battery switch to off when I went on holiday. I'll have to send it to Compaq to repair.

- Trevor
Posted by: LaneStar

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 09:42

Thanks Ron. I wish that money wasn't a concern, but it is. I am trying to find something for between $200 & $300 US. I am not a cheap person, but for what i want it to do I really don't think spending the extra money is worth it. May be I am better off waiting and getting something a little higher end, but i would have to budget it out a month or two, and I don't think I would use all the cool extra features, so it would seem like a waste. Thanks again for your responce....... -LaneStar-
Posted by: peter

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 09:44

I am shopping for a PDA and need it just for simple things IE: phone #'s, addresses, financial tracking ect.

Dunno about financial tracking, but my phone numbers live in my cellphone and my addresses in a paper address book. I've still got a Palm Pilot somewhere but never now use it.

Posted by: jimhogan

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 10:06

I didn't see an e-mail address in your profile, but if you e-mail me I can tell you about a Palm III that I'm selling. Works fine and is *way* under your budget.

It was my second Palm. I really think Palm OS does the best job of providing straightforward PDA functionality in a KISS manner. However, I was seduced by the new Zaurus for a number of reasons, so the Palm is for sale.

Posted by: Dj_Ron

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 10:06

I am trying to find something for between $200 & $300 US

I think that it's possible to get an old 3600 series IPAQ for about that much, I am checking that out with work. I'm a Compaq rep by the way so...I guess I'm still working
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 10:07

if it's just phone #'s, addresses, financial tracking etc a basic Palm Pilot will do the job
Posted by: Dj_Ron

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 10:13

Sorry, not available through the e store any longer. I did hear that some stores may still be carrying them for just under $300 US. Oh well, a Palm should be sufficient anyways. It's just fun to have shiny new toys to play around with that can do a lot of cool things...like the Empeg
Posted by: Laura

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 10:46

I have a Handspring Visor Platinum that I will sell you very reasonably. Never been used.
Posted by: svferris

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 11:58

On the Palm side, you can't go wrong with the color Sony Clie models. My friend does Palm programming and this is by far his favorite. A couple of cool features like taking memory sticks or the jog dial.

The monochrome versions are cheaper, if the color ones are beyond your budget.

Of course, I wouldn't mind having the new PEG-NR70V.
Posted by: LaneStar

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 19/04/2002 12:31

I really like the Sony CLIE, I think the PEG-s360 is the one I would most likley go with. I really don't need the color screen, all though it would be cool. Not worth the extra $ though. This is of course if I go with a sony.
Posted by: drakino

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 20/04/2002 11:26

Grab a cheep Handspring Visor or Palm unit. Use it, see if it's what you want, and then you can decide if you want to move into a featureful portable computer like the iPaq handheld.

I started with a Palm III, then a Palm V (Loved it for it's size, still kinda miss it), and now an iPaq 3630 that is used for entertainment and playing around with things like Linux on it. I found using a GSM phone was all I needed to keep phone numbers. (Gotta love the SIM card, 3 different phones now, and never the need to re-enter the numbers).
Posted by: mrmunsell

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 20/04/2002 20:16


I'd recommend the Sony CLIE as well. I've been using a T-415 for a few months (replaced a Palm III series). It's within your budget ($220 MSRP) and has been perfect for my needs. If you just want something to use as a planner, address book,etc this fits the bill.

I also use it as a portable MP3 player, which required an audio playback adapter. It lasts several hours on a charge and the memory sticks currently come in sizes up to 128 MB.
Posted by: lopan

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 20/04/2002 20:40

My fiance just got a 32 meg ram, 16 meg rom, Jornada for $260.00 new. I have a 32 meg IPAQ, I like it a lot, although the HP isn't quite as nice as mine (still very cool), it was a hell of a bargain. I'll get the info for where she got it and post it, however I know she did her shopping here . Also www.ubid.com always seems to have good deals on new and refurbed units for sale, although I've never seen any prices lower then where my fiance bought hers.
Posted by: Satan_X

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 21/04/2002 04:15

Quote -
"I've got a 3630 and I think it's great. The battery is dead though because I forgot to flick the little battery switch to off when I went on holiday. I'll have to send it to Compaq to repair."

Dont send it back just yet. Try charging it for awhile. This happened to me, I thought I killed the battery (wouldnt go by 0%) after about an hour of being on the charger the battery started charging.
Posted by: tman

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 21/04/2002 05:10

Cool. I'll give it a try

- Trevor
Posted by: Dylan

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 21/04/2002 14:41

I own an Ipaq and I like it as a gadget. But when people ask me for PDA advice and all they really want is an organizer I recommend a Palm. The single most important thing about a PDA is that you have it when you need it. It doesn't matter how many whiz bang features it has if it's sitting at home or in your car when you are out and about. Just looking at the dimensions you don't appreciate how much smaller and lighter the smaller Palm's are compared to the PocketPC's. But pick them up, hold them in your hand, put them in your pocket and you will appreciate the difference. Imagine trying to carry one around with you in the summer when you are wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

The Palm interface is also simpler and more task oriented - exactly what you want for quick data entry. The amount of free or cheap software for the Palm is amazing. The PocketPC's are more flexible, powerful and have a higher coolness factor but you pay for that with a more cumbersome interface, bulkiness and shorter battery life. The biggest negative of the Palm, IMO, is grafitti. I truly hate it. I don't seem to have the brain for learning a new alphabet. I do like the PocketPC's surprisingly good handwriting recognition.

I bought my wife a Palm Vx and I think it's a great machine for what she needs. The form factor is perfect. I wouldn't want it bigger or smaller. I also think an integrated screen cover that doesn't add bulk is important. You want to be able to throw the thing in a bag or in your pocket with your change and not worry about it. The Palm m500 fits the bill but I'm not familiar with the Sony models.

Posted by: Satan_X

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 21/04/2002 16:20

I think you hit it right on the nose.....

If you need an orginzer......get a Palm
If you need laptop funtionality.......get a Pocket PC
Posted by: LaneStar

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 22/04/2002 07:51

Thanks for all the great info guys! I love this group. BTW, I'm finally getting my mkIIa insalled in the Cadillac this weekend. Can you say WOO HOO!!!!!!!
Posted by: muzza

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 25/01/2003 17:01

Sorry to drag this thread up again, but which PDAs support internet dialup (through a mobile or otherwise) and _wired_ networking?
I'm looking for a device for my Dad, and I'm quite new to the PDA feature line-up. Dad's situation is that he frequently goes on location for work, usually to remote places. He'd like to be able to check emails via dialup when he's out *and* he's got a mac. One solution is to get a powerbook. Another is to get a PDA. I'd prefer to steer him away from the Powerbook (as cool as it may be) so that he can upgrade his other Mac (G4/400/PCI)
I've been looking at the Sony Clie' PEG SJ30, as he also recently got a Sony DSC p-51 Camera, which means he uses Memory Sticks; although this is more of a convenience, not a necessity.
So between syncing to a Mac and internet dialup capabilities, it's a difficult thing

Any help [u]much[/u] appreciated!
Posted by: jheathco

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 26/01/2003 14:34

I bought a toshiba e335 yesterday, the thing is pretty sick...
Posted by: muzza

Re: a little advice needed on a PDA - 26/01/2003 19:48

sick as in neat/cool or sick as in defective/broken?
I'm guessing the former.