
Posted by: visuvius

E3! - 20/05/2002 17:09

I just found out today that i'm going to E3 this Friday. Last years was awesome.

I think i'm gonna take my digi cam this time.

Is anyone else going to be there?
Posted by: drakino

Re: E3! - 25/05/2002 22:07

I was there all three days, definitly some cool things around. I'll post some info about it when I'm not on the other side of a CDPD modem.
Posted by: ninti

Re: E3! - 26/05/2002 00:55

I showed up for a couple of hours. I didn't think I ws going to go, but someone gave me their badge. Red Faction II looked pretty good, Panzer Dragoon was different and interesting, and the new UT 2003 looked kick-ass. I think I am going to disappointed in the new Warcraft games coming out though.

Why the hell were they pushing Doom III so hard there, they had NOTHING to show. Talk about vaporware hype.
Posted by: Alexander

Re: E3! - 26/05/2002 02:34

Not directly E3-related, but it was there anyway:

FFXI looks really good. When I first heard that it was online-only, I was deeply saddened. "End of an Era" proclamations and such. But reading a relatively in-depth look at how it works (the IGNinsider writeup) makes me a lot more optimistic, and maybe even a little anticipatory. It sounds like they did a pretty good job of "creating a world" where instead of interacting with NPCs, shopkeepers, etc., you just interact with other people. Which also means that you can take it and play it in a number of substantially different ways. Effectively locking away good chunks of the world until you advance is a pretty good incentive to do so, and presumably you'll also be able to rise in power and influence as you go on. I'm looking forward to it.

They're still going to get a good chunk of cash out of me (HDD + game + $10/month online fee), but I think it'll be worth it.

Posted by: loren

Re: E3! - 26/05/2002 11:37

Did anyone get to see any Gladius footage? That's the project i'm working on... just curious what you folk thought of it.
Posted by: drakino

Re: E3! - 28/05/2002 11:47

Did anyone get to see any Gladius footage? That's the project i'm working on... just curious what you folk thought of it.

Only the trailer of it, since LucasArts keeps deciding to do everything behind closed doors. Overall, looks nice, but the trailer gave nothing away to what the game is, and the web site doesn't help much.

The one I really want to see is Full Throttle II, but the site only has a press release. If it plays like Grim Fandango, that will be cool. Always been a fan of LucasArts adventure games, and not so much their 50 or so Star Wars titles a year.
Posted by: bootsy

Re: E3! - 29/05/2002 12:23

In reply to:

Why the hell were they pushing Doom III so hard there, they had NOTHING to show. Talk about vaporware hype.

I take it you did not see the real time demo?